Chapter 11

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John talked for 23 minutes. He talked about how sorry he was, in more than one sense of the word, and how he had been admitted into a rehab center and he’s going to get sober, and if the boys want, be allowed back into their lives. Sam and Dean agreed that they would think about it after he’s shown obvious signs of doing better. They were all quiet for a long time, lost in their own thoughts, until Dean spoke up, “You know, an FBI guy came to our house Friday and, uhm, he said you were dead?” John explained that he left his truck there over night with his wallet and gun inside it, and when he went back to get it, it was gone and cops were all over the place. They had misidentified the body.

  After John left, the three boys sat in silence, not looking at each other. “Well, that was unexpected.” Dean finally whispered.

“Just a bit.” Sam replied. They continued in silence until Cas spoke.

“Do you guys want me to go?”

“What? Of course not!” Sam said at the same time Dean said, “No! Sorry, that was just overwhelming. What do you two want for breakfast?” Glancing at the clock he added, “well, lunch, I guess.”

“Whatever you want. Do you mind if I take a shower?”

“Go ahead. Towels are in the closet in the hall.” Cas wandered up the stairs, and Sammy followed Dean into the kitchen.

“So what do you think?” Dean asked his little brother.

“I dunno, I mean, it’s pretty crazy. He’s never said he was going to sober up or anything, so I don’t know if it’ll stick.”

“I know what you mean.” Dean began making pancakes for the trio and a pleasant silence settled over the brothers.

“Hey, so what was it you were gonna tell me last night? I just remembered we were gonna talk about it later.” Dean said after several minutes.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Come on, Sammy. Just tell me!” Sam shook his head and the silence presumed, not so pleasant this time, though.

After a few minutes of painful quiet, Sammy whispered, “Dean, I love you.” It was rushed and sounded like it was all just one word.

“I love you too, Sammy, but…?”

“No, Dean. I am in love with you.” Sam clearly enunciated every word, putting emphasis on ‘in’  and Dean looked shocked. “I’m sorry. I know its wrong, but I can’t he-” Sam stopped short when Dean walked across the kitchen and brushed his fingers down Sam’s cheek.

“Shhh,” Dean exhaled, “it’s okay.” He pressed his lips to Sam’s forehead and then the tip of his nose and then, finally, his lips. “I’m in love with you too, Sammy,” Dean breathed into his little brother’s mouth. Just then, the brothers heard a noise from outside the kitchen and they looked up to see Cas standing there, eyes wide in confusion and something that looked like lust.

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