Chapter 12

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"Shit!" Dean exclaimed, "This isn't what it looks like."
"Then what is it, Dean?" Cas asked patiently.
"Um, okay so it might be what it looks like?" Dean said after a minute of thought glancing back at Sam.
"Is Sam consenting?" Cas asked quietly and shyly.
"What?" Dean asked confused.
"As long as Sam is consenting, you're not forcing it on him, then I won't judge."
"I'm the one who initiated it." Sam spoke up. Cas nodded and walked into the kitchen straight to the plate of pancakes.
"I can have some?" he asked.
"Yeah," Dean replied. "But you just saw me kissing my little brother and you don't even care?"
"Not trying to be annoying or anything, but really? Like doesn't that repulse you?"
"Dean..." Cas paused for several moments working up the courage to tell Dean and Sam his biggest secret, "my older brother, Michael, raped me almost every night for over two years. Its okay with me as long as Sam isn't being forced."
"Oh my god, Cas. Why? That's awful. I'm so sorry, but I'd never be able to do something like that to Sammy in a million years."
"I know. I just had to make sure." Cas looked hurt, but he tried to hide it. It didn't work.
"Cas? What's wrong? Do you need to talk about something?"
"Dean. Cas likes you." Sam had remained silent until then.
"Is... is that true, Cas?" Dean asked.
"'Course it is! Don't you even pay attention?"
"Sammy, is your name Cas?" Sam stuck his tongue out at Dean, but Dean had already turned back to Cas.

Sam was really tired of Dean not paying attention to obvious things, like who was in love with him and when Sam was reading not to bother him. Suddenly something clicked in his head. "Who's to say he can't have both?", he muttered out loud.
"Sammy, quit talkin' to yourself or say it out loud so we can all hear." Dean said sharply.
"No, something Jo said yesterday. I knew you liked Cas and Cas liked you back-"
"You like me back?" Dean interrupted, incredulously, having still not gotten an answer from last time he asked. Cas nodded shyly and looked at the ground.
"Dean! So anyways, I told Jo that I liked you and she said, 'who's to say he can't have both?'. And... and she meant you could have both Cas and me and we could all be together. I mean, if you guys want?" The brothers looked at Cas, who nodded and took a huge bite of pancake.

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