Chapter 10

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Cas woke up the next morning with Dean's chest against his back and his arm wrapped around his waist and Sam facing him with his head tucked underneath Cas's chin. Cas's first thought was to freak out, but when he calmed himself down only seconds later he realised how comfortable he was and how cute Sam was as he smiled in his sleep. He noticed how warm the brothers were and how happy he felt squished between the two. He watched Sam sleep peacefully for about 10 more minutes until Dean woke up. Dean quickly lifted his arm from around Cas, but Cas, in a moment of great boldness, grabbed his wrist and placed his arm back around his waist claiming he was cold and Dean was keeping him warm. Sam woke only moments later, but wasn't embarrassed by his position. He only smiled wider and snuggled closer to Cas, who laughed and wrapped his arms around Sam. "Guess this means we're not leaving the bed anytime soon," murmured Dean into Cas's ear, grinning. Cas answered with a smile and an affirmative nod of his head.

The trio stayed in bed talking quietly about nothing in particular. What finally forced them out of bed an hour or so later was the doorbell. All three complained and groaned as they climbed out of bed and went downstairs, Dean in the lead. Cas and Sam stopped at the bottom of the stairs and while Dean walked the rest of the way to the door Cas tried to pat down Sam's crazy bedhead to look presentable if it was someone important at the door. His efforts were futile, though, and Sam giggled at his determined yet frustrated look. Dean swung the door open and there was a 40-ish year old looking man standing on the doorstep. There was silence for two heartbeats, then Dean said astonished, "Dad?"


"Dad?" said Dean sounding very confused. Dad is smiling? What the hell?

"Hello, son. Do you mind if I come in?" The way he said it seemed almost shy. Dean looked back at Sam and in five seconds the two brothers managed to have a non-verbal conversation.

Dean- He's our dad.

Sam- Piss poor excuse of one, if you ask me.

Dean- I think we should let him in.

Sam- What if he's a ghost?

Dean- Don't think so.

Sam- Alright, let him in.

The conversation ended with Sam rolling his eyes and sighing. Dean turned back around and pushed the door open wider beckoning for his father to come in. John began to talk almost instantly, but Dean shushed him, said "coffee", and walked to the kitchen.

Everyone was silent while Dean filled the coffee maker and got mugs for him, Cas, and Sam. An awkward, tension-filled silence settled over the house while they waited the 10 minutes for the coffee. Sam stared in awe at his father sans beer bottle. He was dressed nicely, but simply and freshly shaven. The smile he had been wearing earlier, however, had been replaced with an uneasy expression. He seemed genuinely nervous for some reason. But he was also supposed to be dead. Sam couldn't help but think how fucked up all this was. Their dad was a terrible father and then he was dead, but now he's not dead anymore and, Sam guesses, is trying to come back into their lives. Sam doesn't want any of it. He's tired of all the times he's heard Dean crying himself to sleep because of cuts and broken bones caused by their so-called father and then crying himself to sleep because Dean was hurting and there was nothing he could do to help his brother.

Dean finally finishes the coffee and pours himself a cup. He takes a slow sip, closes his eyes, and smiles at nothing, like in those sappy Hallmark commercials. He pours Sam and Cas one as well and walks back to the living room. "Would you like a cup, dad?"

"No, I'm fine. I just came here to talk for a few minutes." John sits in the chair angled toward the couch.

"Umm, I'll go to give you guys some privacy." Cas says, sounding unsure.

"It's fine, stay," Dean says as he pulls Cas onto the couch next to him and Sam sits on the other side of Cas, farthest from John.

"Okay, dad. You have 5 minutes to tell us why you're here." said Dean with a hint of bitterness in his voice.


Sorry it's taken so long to update! I've been so busy, but it's super long to make up for it! Don't forget to vote and comment:D

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