Chapter 14

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Sam and Cas stayed with Dean overnight. They slept curled together in the uncomfortable armchair next to Dean's bed. They woke in the morning to terrible pains in their backs and legs and to the sounds of machines beeping and doctors talking. "Boys," one of the doctors said, "you can wait in the waiting room while we wake Mr. Winchester. We'll need to talk to him and run some tests to make sure there is no brain damage." The boys look at each other nervously, so the doctor continues, "And I promise we will come get you as soon as we are finished." The boys rise from the chair stiffly and left the room in search of food. Neither one really felt like eating, though. They sat and picked at their food for over an hour.

"Sammy, he's going to be okay. You know he is." Sam just nodded. Cas sighed and pushed his chair back slightly. He motioned for Sam to come and then pulled the younger boy into his lap, cradling him. They were tucked in a small corner of an empty cafe on the third floor, so there was a small chance anyone would see them. Cas ran his hand up and down Sam's back to comfort him for about 45 minutes when their names were called over the PA system. The boys jumped up and rushed to throw away their uneaten breakfasts.

They were met outside of Dean's room by the same doctor that had told them to leave. "Dean is in perfect health. No concussion or anything. We're going to to keep him until this evening and he should be able to go to school tomorrow if the pain isn't too bad." The man smiled at them and stepped aside so they could enter the room. Dean smiled hugely as soon as he saw them.

"Hey guuys! Why arenn't youuu t-twoo at schoool?" his speech was slurred, but otherwise seemed perfectly alright.

News of Dean's injury and his psychotic father spread through the school like wildfire and after about 1:00 all three boys were constantly replying to texts and phone calls assuring everyone Dean was okay.

Dean did come home that evening, but was in too much pain to go to school. Sam and Cas made a fuss about leaving him home alone all day, but he assured them he would be fine. All day long Sam, Cas, Jo, and Gabriel were asked about Dean all day long. Sam and Cas took turns calling Dean every hour to make sure he was okay and by fifth period Dean had his phone turned off so he could actually sleep. When Sam and Cas got home from school, they curled up in Dean's bed with him and slept until the next morning.

I'm so sorry for not updating!! Just one more chapter! Love y'all!

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