Chapter 4

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"Sammy!" Dean shouted into his phone, "Where the hell are you? Answer your damn phone!" It was lunchtime and Dean was pacing back and forth acting like a nervous wreck and stressing his friends out as well. "Sam isn't here!" Dean shouted at his friends. the lunchroom was so loud they could still barely hear him.

"Obviously, considering we can't see him." Jo answered casually. "Unless he turned invisible! That would be so awesome! Sam, tap me on the shoulder if you're here." Dean didn't appreciate her joke and let her know with a dark glare. She, of course, didn't care and continued to laugh.

"Maybe he's in the library?" Castiel suggested as Jo reached across the table and took a handful of Dean's fries.

"No, he'd have told me. Besides I walked by the library on the way here and it's closed this lunch hour."

"Well, I saw him after first and he said he was on his way to second. I don't know if he actually got there or not, though." Jo informed them. By this time, Dean was sitting down, though he was no calmer than he had been. His fingers were tapping on the table and he wasn't eating any of his food. Jo made sure all his food was eaten by the end of lunch, though. Castiel and Jo exchanged worried glances, until finally, Dean's phone buzzed with a text message.

Dean exhaled slowly and read out loud, "I'm home. Wasn't feeling well. Sorry to worry you. See you when you get out of school. -S" Dean texted back immediately, but didn't share it with his friends. "Okay. Sorry I got upset. Hope you feel better, love ya, kiddo. -D".

"Feel better?" Jo asked as soon as Dean was done texting his brother.

"No. He was fine this morning, and I want to know what happened. This is the kid who woke up at three AM puking his guts out and still went to school the next day. Something is off." Dean knew his little brother wouldn't just run off for no reason, especially not without telling him first. Being sick was nothing to Sammy. He always powered through, but now Dean felt like he didn't know his little brother as well as he used to. Dean put the thoughts out of his head and stopped worrying about his little brother for the rest of the day... well, he tried anyway.

After school was finally over, he rushed home, not even taking the time to go to his locker and put his books away.

"Saaaammy!?" Dean was shouting before he was even all the way in the house.

"Uhm, yeah?" Sam was walking up the stairs, but stopped when Dean had called his name. He had a half eaten chocolate chip cookie in one hand and and a glass of milk in the other.

"Thought you were sick?" Dean asked noticing the cookie and milk, as he walked to the couch and sat down.

"Kinda. Just needed a day off I guess. I feel much better now." Sam looked nervous, but Dean couldn't imagine why.

"Okay. Sorry I freaked out earlier. I just... ya know... mom."

"I understand. It's okay, really. You're allowed to overreact sometimes, Dean." Sam joined his brother on the couch, pulled his legs underneath him, and offered the rest of his cookie to Dean. "Did you have a good day?" he asked, changing the subject.

Dean declined the cookie and laughed, "No, you dipshit. I was worried about you all day!" Dean paused for a moment and with a thoughtful look and said, "What do you think of Cas? Pretty cool guy, huh?" Dean was grinning now.

"Oh, umm, I don't know. I mean, he's alright, I guess? Haven't really talked to him. Just met him today, ya know."

"He's a great guy, Sammy! You'll like him. Real nerdy, just like you." Dean got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get a beer. Their dad always left at least a case there, so whenever he was actually home he'd have beer to drink. But Dean usually just drank them all himself. He never let Sam drink any, though. Claimed they were bad for him. He took the beer to his room, and when he passed Sam's room he thought he heard crying. It stopped suddenly, so he dismissed it and went into his room to listen to music and daydream about the cute new boy with bright blue eyes.

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