Chapter 3

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Sam always sees Jo after second period, but they hardly ever stop to chat. Today was very different though. Jo ran up to Sam and grabbed his arm, dragging him to a quiet corner of the hall.

"Dean and Castiel are in loooove!" She sang happily.

"Ummmm... what?" Sam replied intelligently.

"Dean, your brother, and Castiel, the cute new kid, are. In. Love! The way they look at each other. It's perfect!"

"Okay... one- Dean isn't gay and two- they literally just met." 'and third- I'm in love with Dean' he added mentally.

"Sam, I've known Dean for 16 years. I'm his best friend... he is definitely gay and he is in love with Castiel! What should we do?" She asked, and without waiting for an answer, she continued, "Ooh! What about a party? Parties are fun!"

"Jo! Shut up. Please. Why would we throw them a party? I need to get to class. I'll talk to you later." Jo looked hurt that Sam shut her down so harshly, but Sam didn't care enough to apologise.

Sam didn't go to class. He didn't go to anymore classes the rest of the day. He walked the three miles home crying the entire time. "Damn it, Dean," he whispered kicking a rock violently, "Can't you tell? You've done so much for me. Practically raised me. You know everything about me except this one thing I need you to know! I love you, Dean Winchester and I need you to love me too."

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