Chapter 9

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The next morning, Dean woke up with his chest pressed against Cas's back and his hand resting on Cas's waist. Shit. He rolled over quickly hoping that he didn't wake up his friend, but in his haste to get away he rolled off the bed. "Oomph. Ouch!" His cry of pain was met with Cas's sleepy, "Dean?" Cas leaned over the side of the bed to look at Dean. "Are you okay?"

"Uuugh, yeah. That'll hurt later, though. Want some breakfast?" Cas answered in the affirmative and they walked down the stairs, miraculously without waking Jo and Charlie. Sammy was on the couch eating cereal and watching Saturday morning cartoons. "Morning, kiddo," Dean said, ruffling Sam's shaggy hair and he walked past. Dean decided to make eggs and bacon for his friends. A secret of his that only Sammy knew was that he loved to cook. His favourite thing as a kid, and still is secretly, was cooking for Sammy. He did it whenever he got the chance.

Jo and Charlie leave the house at about 10 in the morning to finish their project at Jo's house. Cas, Sammy, and Dean spend most of the day watching TV and playing video games. "Hey Cas?" Dean says around five. Cas looks at him and Dean continues, "You wanna stay another night?" Den suddenly feels very shy while Cas thinks for a couple seconds.

"I'd like that, Dean. Yes, just let me call my brother." Cas leaves the room to get his phone from Dean's bedroom.

Dean visibly relaxed, and Sam noticed and asked, "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think so. He's great, Sammy. And you like him, right, Sammy?" Dean answered, quickly adding, "Not the same way I do, though?"

Sam laughed nervously and his face fell slightly, "Yeah, he's cool." Dean noticed Sam's discomfort and asked him what was wrong. Sam was quiet for a moment, then said, "Dean... I..." They heard Cas's footsteps coming back down the stairs, so Sammy finished quickly, "I'll tell you later."

"I can stay," Cas said smiling upon his re entry to the room.

"Awesome, dude!" Dean said, already forgetting about Sammy's obvious discomfort. They all continued hanging out and eating leftover pizza until they were tired enough for bed.

"Hey, Sammy," Dean said walking into his little brother's room, "wanna sleep with us tonight?" Sam agreed happily and all three settled down on Dean's large bed and slept the best they had in as long as any of them could remember.


Thank you guys so much for reading!! Please don't forget to vote:D Sorry this chapter is so short the next one is longer I promise! 

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