Chapter 7

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"Um, Gabriel, this is my friend Dean. Dean this is Gabriel... my brother." Dean looked Gabriel up and down. He doesn't look anything like Cas Dean thought.

"Yeah, I know, we were all adopted." Cas explained as if he were reading Dean's mind. Dean nodded in acknowledgment as Cas continued speaking. "Gabe, I was wondering if I could go over to Dean's house. A few of his friends are going over for homework and then dinner... and I can stay the night, if you don't mind, of course." Cas rambled on and on until Gabriel stopped him.

"Course I don't mind, Cassie!" Cas rolled his eyes and grimaced at the nickname, but smiled anyway. "I'm glad you're making friends! Do you want me to take you home and get you some clothes first?"

"No, it's fine. Dean says our house is on the way to his and we'll just stop by."

"Alrighty, see you sometime tomorrow, then. Don't hurry home!" Gabriel winked at Cas and he grimaced again. Gabriel hugged his younger brother, kissed him on the cheek, and walked the other way.

Jo had joined them at some point in the conversation, but neither boy had noticed until she said, "You're giving me a ride too, Winchester." Dean smiled at her and laughed. "Singer!" She yelled suddenly, running towards the auto shop teacher and jumping on him. She threw her arms around his neck and said, "I've got a date! Isn't it wonderful?" Cas looked very perplexed by the exchange, so Dean explained, "He's her step-dad. Only dad she's ever known, though. Married her mom when she was four, and he's my dad's best friend. I call him Uncle Bobby." Then he shouted towards them, "IT'S HOMEWORK AT MY HOUSE. HARDLY COUNTS AS A DATE!" They walked over to them laughing, as Sammy joined them. "Alright, gang. Everyones here. Ready? What time is Charlie meeting us at my house?"

"4:45. She needs to stop at her house and get some clothes."

"Cool, so we gotta stop at Cas's house on the way home... Sammy, you're in the back. Why are you even trying for shotgun?" Sam stuck his tongue out at Dean, but got in the backseat of Dean's Impala laughing.

They pulled up at Cas's house and he jumped out and was back in five minutes. Gabriel was no where to be seen. Dean was really curious about what the wink meant from earlier. Maybe Gabriel was having friends over and didn't want Castiel in the way. That was probably it.

A few minutes later, they pulled up at Dean's house and Charlie's car wasn't in the driveway, but John's Ford truck was.

"Shit, ummm, just gimme a minute." Dean got out of the car and walked to the front door. He looked back to see Cas's confused face, Jo's concerned face, and Sammy's scared face. He opened the door and was very surprised to see, not his father sitting on the couch, but an FBI agent. They stared at each other for a moment, until the agent stood up and extended his hand.

"I'm Garth. I'm here about John Winchester."

Dean shook his hand and replied, "My friends are actually over for the night can we talk about it later?"

"No, but they can come in." Dean was still standing in the doorway, so he motioned for his friends to come in and stepped all the way into the house. Garth walked back to the couch and motioned for Dean to sit next to him.

They didn't say anything until everyone was in the house standing around the living room awkwardly. Charlie had gotten there as well.

"Are all of you at least acquainted with John Winchester?" Garth asked seriously.

"Cas isn't, but everyone else knows him." Dean spoke up, pointing at Cas.

Garth nodded and continued, "I originally came here, because I have a warrant for John Winchester's arrest, but I got a call about an hour ago from the state police. His body was found this morning in a lake not far from here. It's impossible to tell how long it was in the water. He's been dead for anywhere between two days and two hours.

"Well, I saw him last night, so it'd have to be no more than 12 hours." Garth pulled a notebook out of his coat pocket and wrote something down. He looked back up and asked Dean how he felt about becoming Sam's guardian.

"Yes, I've been taking care of him since he was a baby." Garth looked confused, but stood to leave.

"We need to keep the truck for evidence, so I will be taking that back with me." He said his goodbyes and said he'd be back in a couple days for some legal things. He shook Dean's hand and left.

"Well, on that happy note, is everyone okay with baked spaghetti for dinner?" Dean said the second the door closed behind Garth.

"Dean, you just learned your father is dead." Cas said gently.


"Do you want us to maybe go home?" The other teenagers started laughing and Cas looked very confused.

"Cas..." Dean could barely answer his friend he was laughing so hard. "I hated my father. He was a bastard."

"I've hung out with them like four times and even I know how much Dean hated him," Charlie managed to say between fits of laughing. Castiel looked embarrassed as he followed Dean into the kitchen to help make dinner.

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