Casifer-part two

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You woke up in chains, a dark room surrounding you in silence. Your head ached and your eyes were dancing with  white spots. You stood and investigated the room, a throne like chair sat next to you. Below you was three polished steps, there was a dart board on the far wall along with chains hanging in piles. A grand door loomed at the opposite side of the room.

You tugged at the chains with little hope, you climbed onto the chair and tried to sleep....

“Good morning little one”

You sprung awake at the sudden noise, falling out of the chair you had been sleeping in. Lucifer stood over you like a shadow, unmoving and menacing.

“what do you want”

You scrambled backwards to get away from him.

“ah ah ah, stay still” he stood on the chains so you couldn’t move away.

“I want you to come here” Lucifer pulled you to your feet, pressing you against his chest.

“let- let me go!” he only held you tighter.

“No, you’re too pretty to be alone with those two”

You tried to squirm away from his cold body, but he only held you closer.

"Let me go!"

"You're feisty, it's undeniably cute"

He leaned down and nibbled on your neck, sucking small bruises onto your flesh.




He stopped biting and breathed heavily on your neck.

"Why" his breath left the skin warm and throbbing.

"Why should I do anything for you?"

He shoved you to the ground and stepped on your chest.

"I owe you absolutely nothing"

He put more weight on your chest, crushing your lungs.

"You humans were the cause of my demise, the reason big daddio- put me in that damned cage!"

He stepped off and picked you up by your neck.

"So why do I want you?"

You groaned and gasped in air.

"Why do I want to fuck you into a wall and lay with you after, why do I want to keep you safe and near me"

You kept gasping for air as his hold on your neck tightened.


He let you slump to the floor, kicking you in the gut before turning to leave.

“I'll be back”

He slammed the grand doors and left you in darkness, his foot steps fading away.

You flipped onto your stomach and tried to even out your breathing.

“Tough luck love”

You turned your head to see Crowley chained and caged.

“you know how many women he's brought here?”

You heaved up blood and coughed, spitting it on the ground.

“I don’t care”

You tried to stand but all you managed was to get on your hands and knees.

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