Pokemon Destiny Bond

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So, I've been thinking this up while I was at work for the past week and I think I'm going to make a story about it.
Mind you, it will be slow going and I will also be looking for a Beta for this story as well, so if you're interested in being the Beta please let me know! I don't bite...hard.
Pokémon Destiny Bonds is a Pokémon/One Punch Man/My Hero Academia crossover, but none of the One Punch Man or My Hero Academia characters will be in it. The Pokémon D.B characters will be loosely based on the OPM and MHA characters.
The protagonist, Rin Grey, is from a new region known as the Tervari Region. In this region there is a power called Destiny Bonds. The trainer and a single Pokémon who have a strong, unbreakable and unyielding bond fuse together.
There are three phases of Destiny Bonding.
Phase 1-You get the ability of the Pokémon you Bond with. Ex. Keen Eye, Frisk, Intimidate, etc. You can use attacks from the Bonded up to a certain level (around lvl 15-20)
Phase 2-Your looks change according to the Pokémon you Bond with. If the Pokémon has red fur, your hair becomes red. If the Pokémon has stripes or polka dots, your cloths will have the same coloration and patterns. You can use attacks the Bonded Pokémon knows up to a certain level (around lvl 30).
Phase 3-The rarest and hardest to achieve if the Bonds. The trainer and Pokémon become one. Your looks change to that of the Pokémon, you get the ability they possess, and you can use any of their attacks that they can learn.

Rin is the only one to have achieved phase 3 in the Tervari region in over 30 years. The predecessor of the phase 3 Bond (Sai Genosae; Gen/Oh/Say) trained her once he had heard that she could use the third phase, thus making her stronger and stronger until no one could defeat her.
That is, until Team Justice and Team Freedom showed up in the region. The Team Justice leader, being the more serious of the two team leaders beat her to almost death, making her train herself harder to one day beat the leader. Because of her near death experience, the Pokémon she was Bonded with at the time, Capraclyst, the legendary dog Pokémon of the Tervari region, was severely wounded and ended up passing away due to the injuries.
Rin refused to preform the Destiny Bond after that for a long time, essentially retiring. Sai eventually snaps her out of the dreaded state of mind about Destiny Bonding and she slowly started training once more.
For the next six years after that, Rin trained with her new Bonded Pokémon, Lucy, a Midday Lycanroc she had hatched from the Alola region, until they could win every fight with just a single attack in her Phase 3 form.
Six years pass and Rin is casually lounging in her home-in the Alola region, with Lucy. She gets a phone call from Sai, telling her that there's a problem with a new Bonded trainer who can't control their power and Rin needs to stop him before he does any more damage and becomes a Rampager.
In comes your character, who is one of the main protagonists. Your character witnesses Rin's strength after being beaten by the raging Bonded trainer and immediately requests to be her disciple/student. Rin refuses, but that does not deter your character from continuously asking almost daily.
Eventually she gives in and starts training with your character to help them achieve Phase 3.

•Your character's name will be Luna Katsuko and your bonded partner will be a Lucario named Luke. The rest of the team will be announced through out the story as it progresses.
•In this, you can have 7 Pokémon, but the Pokémon you're Bonded with stays out of their pokéball at all times.
•Team Skull will make an appearance later on during a very important part in the story, along with Guzma and Plumeria. They are, however, disbanded.
•Since the Tervari region isn't really explored much in this part of the story, it won't appear, but it will be mentioned. It takes place, mainly, in the Alola region. For now.
•There will be many characters that are mentioned throughout the story and some that are mentioned will make an appearance eventually.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to message me.
If you'd like to be the Beta of this story, let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you, if any of you are interested!

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