Thank You

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"Hey, Genosae Sensei?" Rin turned her attention to the elderly man. He turned his head to look at her and hummed in response.
"You can just call me Sai, Rin." A moment of silence enveloped the two before Rin spoke once more.
"Hey, old man?"
"That's not what I said!" He yelled in a grumbling way before giving a huffed sigh, "What is it?" He asked, watching his Pokémon perch itself on the rafters of his training dojo. Rin frowned in thought as she looked at Sai with a bored and unreadable expression on her face.
"Never mind, it's not important." She stated, turning her attention back to the unhatched egg in her lap.
It had been nearly 3 months since the incident with Team Justice. Sai thought she would be a little better by now, but she just seemed to be worse than the first couple weeks it had happened. A frown made its way onto the older mans face as he stared at the girl in front of him. There was a hazy look in her mismatched blue and green eyes, clearly showing that she was lost in thought about something. He could only guess it was about the accident.
Sai didn't like seeing his student like this. It made him uneasy, if not a bit uncertain and hesitant to speak to her.
"Rin-" He was interrupted.
"Don't say it," She snapped, the venom clear in her voice as she bit back a heated response, "Just...don't," she said, calmer than before, "I know what you're gonna say...that I should move on and try to get things back in train harder so it won't happen again, but I-" she paused, biting her lip as she clutched the egg tighter in her grasp. There was a moment of silence, the tension in the air thick. Sai stood up and walked over to the black haired girl. He placed a gentle hand on her head, giving it a small pat before continuing over to the sliding doors of the dojo.
"It's alright, Rin. When you're ready." The comment caught the girl off guard. She snapped her head to look at her sensei, seeing a small smile on his face as he was turned half way to look at her, his other half facing the slightly open doors.
"When you're ready, my door is always open." With that last statement, he opened the door the rest of the way and walked out, quietly shutting it behind him. Rin stared after the retreating shadow of her sensei before a small smile found its way onto her face, gripping the egg firmly with determination.
"Thank you, Genosae Sensei."


I'm still in need of a Beta if anyone is interested, let me know!

FanFic Fact Of The Day-When I made Sai Genosae I pictured him to look like a mix between Commander Pixis from Attack On Titan and Bang "Silver Fang" from One Punch Man with the height of Pixis and the facial features, facial hair, and hair of Bang. However, I've decided to base his looks off of Shiro Fujimoto from Blue Exorcist instead, to give him more of a fatherly figure feel.

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