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No...this can't be happening!
Not her! Anyone but her!

"Rin! We have to go!"
"NO! I'm not leaving her!"

A small blue, grey, and white transparent colored marble lie on the grassy forest floor, cracks and chips in it all around. A wolf like Pokémon lied motionless on the forest floor, it's blue flames smaller than they originally were, flickering dimly ever so often.
A taunting laugh caught the twos attention. A man with messy, dark blonde hair smirked at them as he stood in the distance, looking at the scene in satisfaction.
"You're just gonna run away?"

I was defeated so easily! Even now, I can't comprehend how far apart our power was at the time. I just assumed that he was another lowly Bonded...I was obviously very wrong.

A yell of anger broke the peaceful yet eerie silence as the girl charged at the blonde haired man.

"Rin, stop!"

A scoff came from the man as he blocked the girls Punch with his leg, before kicking her away from him and into the arms of her Sensei who quickly caught her. She struggled to lift her head as she tried to get out of Sai's hold.
"L-let me g-go, G-Genos-sae S-Sensei." She huffed tiredly, blue and green eyes flickering down to the motionless Pokémon on the ground. Rin grit her teeth at the sight before switching her mismatched eyes to the blonde man in front of them. A heated glare full of malice and resentment shining in them.

From that day on, I trained. I trained so hard that I lost contact with everyone for at least 6 years. Needless to say, everyone had thought I had disappeared or I had simply left the island. They weren't really wrong...I left everyone and everything I knew behind to go train with Genosae Sensei, so nothing like that would ever happen again.

Wake up, Rin
Who are you?
You shall know in time
I want to know, now
Be patient, Rin
Do I know you?
In due time

Groggy blue and green eyes opened, a ringing reaching the owners ears. With a groan, a hand reached out from the covers and dropped onto the alarm, efficiently turning it off.
A bark caught the girls attention as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up more. Mismatched eyes drifted to where the bark had come from, seeing her midday Lycanroc, Lucy sitting a couple of feet away by the door. Her tail was wagging as she smiled at the human girl.
A tired grumble fell from her lips as she stood up from her futon, rubbing her head as she walked over to a door in her hallway. Opening it, she took out a red and grey hoodie and dark, fitted jeans. Quickly changing into the cloths, she went to slip on her running shoes as Lucy excitedly padded around by the door. The girl chuckled at the dog Pokémon with a small smile on her face, the word on her hoodie "Oppai" glittering as the morning sun hit the shiny, black lettering.
"Alright, alright...lets go."
I'm still in need of a Beta if anyone is interested!
If anyone is interested in working with me on this project, it would be appreciated, especially if you'd like to be the main protagonist in it. Let me know if you are!

FanFic Fact Of The Day-Sai Genosae (Genosae Sensei), is the only one from his youth that actually took his Phase Three Bond further in power than his other teammates. His partner is fire/flying type Pokémon from Tervari known as a Molcaw, who he named Phoenix.

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