Demons (Part 3 of Force)

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The Earth trembled from the impacts of the fight. Crashing noises and booms echoed through the entire Alolan region. Craters littered the ground of the fight zone, trees knocked over, Pokémon running away to safety.
"Rin Sensei, please stop this! You have to fight it!" The voice of Luna went unheard as Sai grabbed her out of the way from another ground splitting electric punch.
Rin's mind raced with thoughts, willing her body to stop the assault on her sensei and student.
'This isn't right! You have to get out of the way! Run, please!'
Sai continued to dodge the attacks, dragging the poor teenager behind with him. All the Luna could do was stare at her sensei as the girl continued her relentless attacks.
It was like a game of cat and mouse, only this time the cat was 3 steps ahead instead of the mouse. Rin didn't give them even a single moment to breath, always appearing what seemed to be the second they moved away. Swing after swing, the destruction grew.
"You can't reach her by yelling one can stop her." Sai looked down at Luna, a grim look on his face. Her mind racing a million miles a minute, her eyes hardly keeping up with Rin's speed.
'Incredible...her speed, it's terrifying.'
In the blink of an eye, the feel of Sai's arm left Luna's shirt, leaving the girl alone. She looked behind her and saw Sai in the distance, a cluster of trees broken and fallen in the attack. Wide eyes looked in front of her to see Rin standing over her menacingly, a glare on her face as her black sclera and electric yellow eyes focused on the teen.
"Rin. Rin Sen...sei..." Luna's voice was weak and trembling. Rin raised her arm and cocked back her fisted hand, then lunged forward as her fist sparked with electricity. Her eyes widened, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Rin's fist stopped before it had hit, barley any space between her fist and Luna's nose.
" have to do it..." A voice caught her attention. The female teen looked around before looking back up at Rin, who's sclera were no longer black and her mismatched green and blue eyes stared into their own eyes.
"You have to use it. Hurry, before I lose control again."


I'm still in need of a Beta, so if you're interested let me know!

FanFic Fact Of The Day-There are forbidden moves a Bonded should never use.

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