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'I can't...move my body.'
"I'm stuck..." Rin struggled to move her body, but no matter how forceful she willed her muscles to move, they refused.
"Rin!" The girl glanced to the side, seeing her own Sensei and her disciple, Luna running through the clearing towards her. A laugh caught her attention, making her look in front of her. On top of a large platform stood the leader of Team Justice-Hideki, the leader of Team Freedom, Darcia, quickly following behind.
"You seem to be a bit stuck there." Kolder taunted, crossing his arms with a smug smile on his face. Rin looked at him with an unamused blank face.
"Seriously? This is your big plan," she muttered, frowning up at them, "Seems a little childish to me." Hideki scowled at the girls comment.
"We'll see who's childish after this." He held up a small white and black marble like object with small lines of yellow jutting through the white and black color. Rin looked at it, noticing it was a Bonding marble...but for what Pokémon?
"What do you plan to do with that?" She asked, looking from the marble to Hideki. The pale orange haired man smirked and jumped down gracefully from the platform above. He walked over to Rin and stopped a few inches from her. Hideki held the marble up and trapped it between Rin's chest and his finger.
"What am I going to do with it?" he taunted, "I'm going to make you Bond with the Pokémon it's from." Rin's brow furrowed in confusion and aggravation. He couldn't do that, it wasn't possible. Once a person was Bonded with a Pokémon you couldn't Bond with another unless the Pokémon you were Bonded with was gone.
"You can't do that, it's impossible." She commented, making Hideki laugh.
"It's possible my dear, we've already tried it out. You see, these aren't regular Pokémon," he started, signaling for Darcia to fetch something, "It's a new kind of Pokémon. An Ultra Beast." Rin frowned as she saw Darcia return with a black wired and white spiky Pokémon, its fingers like copper wires.
"A what?" A shocked look flashed across her face as the Pokémon walked closer to the two. The marble started glowing, a blinding white light engulfing the three of them.


I'm still in need of a Beta if anyone is interested, let me know!

FanFic Fact Of The Day-Rin needs glasses to read, she had a hard time seeing the words unless she had her reading glasses. However, she doesn't really care for them all that much, so she hardly wears them at all.

Pokémon Destiny BondWhere stories live. Discover now