This is Gonna Take Awhile

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The sun was shining bright in the morning Alolan sky, Pikipek and Cutiefly fluttering around with the sounds of wild Pokémon in the distance. A little abandoned apartment complex sat on the outskirts of Tapu Village. Luna walked up to the door of Rin's apartment, ready to take on her first day of discipleship. She hesitated, and looked back at her Lucario, Luke. He looked down at her, and gave her a quick nod, as to tell her to do it. Luna sighed, and she knocked.
"Rin Sensei? Are you in there?" She asked through the door.

  ~~~Inside Rin's Apartment~~~

A knock on the door brought Rin out of her thoughts and the book she had been reading. She recognized the voice as the girl who had stopped by yesterday. With a sigh, she stood up and rubbed her face, heading to the door.
"You're here pretty early." She commented, opening the door and looking at the two. Luna nodded in confirmation.
"I thought maybe we'd get here a bit early," she said, "is that alright?" She asked uncertainly. Rin shrugged.
"Nah, it's fine...come on in," she motioned for the two to come in, "I was just about to make breakfast, do you want any?" Rin asked, glancing at the two. Surely before they started training the two guests would want food. Luna nodded.
"If you don't mind." She said. Luke smiled down at Luna, and looked at Rin, and nodded solemnly at the older trainer. Rin stepped aside to let them in and walked into the little kitchennete to prepare the food, while Lucy remained by the door to close it.
"Anything specific?" She asked, making the Pokémon their food first. Rin wasn't sure what kind of food the Lucario liked, but she mixed in a couple of Rainbow Beans, along with some Red and Yellow ones too. After mixing the food for Luna's Lucario, Rin started on Lucy's food, putting in the Lycanroc's favorite Yellow and Rainbow PokéBeans. Luna shook her head.
"Me, not specifically," she said before looking up at Luke, "he, however can be a bit picky at times," Luna said, "he likes spicy food." Rin hummed in thought as she rummaged through her basket of berries until she found a Spelon berry. They were pretty spicy, she figured she could cut some up and put it in with the beans.
"Alright, I have something he might like then," she placed the Lucario's food on the counter, while she put Lucy's on the floor, "Cinnamon sticks and eggs good with you?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at Luna. The younger girl smiled at the thought.
"Works for me." She said. Her mother used to make a similar breakfast for her on special occasions, so she would love a blast from the past. Luke smiled at the thought of Spelon berries. He had tried some a while back, and Luna gave him those on occasions or for a kind of treat. He looked down at Lucy, and gave her a quick nod as she gave a look of acknowledgement. He sat down beside Lucy, and Luna sat beside Luke, and waited a bit for their breakfast.
Rin started on the eggs first, since they were the fastest cooking of the two. Deciding on scrambled, she cracked a few eggs into a bowl and whisked it before pouring it into a buttered pan. Her mismatched eyes would wander over to Luna and her Lucario from time to time, checking up on them.
Once the eggs were done, she picked up the pan and turned it so the eggs would slide out of the skillet and onto a plate. The cinnamon sticks were next. Rin got down the cinnamon from the spice shelf. She rolled out some dough, spread some melted butter on it, then put the cinnamon on top. Cutting it into rectangular pieces, she put them in the skillet and proceeded to cook them.

Flipping the last of the cinnamon sticks out of the pan, Rin placed the cinnamon stick and egg plates on the table.
"I don't really make the cinnamon sticks like others do, so sorry if it tastes a little less sweet than what you're used to." She commented, placing a clean plate in front of Luna, then putting her own on the opposite side. Luna gave Rin a half smile before sitting down.
"Thanks," she said before taking her fork and trying the breakfast that was made for her, "this is really good, Rin Sensei." Luna said after she finished her first bite. After she had finished the meal, she excused herself and walked over to the sink.
"Would you like me to wash my plate and put it away?" Luna asked. Rin cringed at the word 'Sensei'. She was used to calling Sai Sensei, but she wasn't used to anyone calling her Sensei.
"Yeah, you don't have to call me Sensei...and, no, it's fine. I'll get them, just sit them in the sink," she mumbled, "but glad you like the food." She added, eating her own. Luna nodded, and set her dish in the sink. She quickly washed her hands, and faced Rin.
"So... what do we do first?" She asked. Rin glanced at the teen and sighed, standing up and taking her own plate to the sink. What she wouldn't give to have that energy once more.
"We can go out back, there's a little clearing we can use," she paused, looking around for her shoes, "before we start anything, I want you to show me what you can do."
After finding her shoes, Rin led the two out back to the clearing. It was wide enough for a battle, but small enough that it wasn't too overwhelming. Once there, Rin gave the signal to start. Luna nodded. She tried to focus on her core, and tried to do what she had seen some do not long in her past. Luna met eyes with the Lucario, and managed to begin Phase One, but it flickered out when she lost her consentration.
"Ugh." She scolded herself because of her inexperience. Rin stared at the pair before her, watching intently as Luna tried to preform Phase One. Noticing the teen had lost consentration, Rin hummed in thought.
"Try emptying your mind, make it a blank slate. Don't worry about completing it, just focus on your energy mixing with your Pokémon." She advised. Luna nodded, and began to consentrate on Phase One again. She felt a power course through her, but when she opened her eyes, she felt no different. She looked down at her hands.
"Huh..." she said, confused, "did I do anything?" She asked. Rin blinked, looking over the brunette in front of her. She had indeed preformed Phase One.
"There's a marble like crystal somewhere on your body. If you find it, then you were successful at preforming Phase One," she explained, waiting for Luna to search for said marble, "You should be able to use the ability of your Pokémon if you did."
Luna nodded at Rin, and began to check, before successfully finding it right below her shoulder on her arm. Her eyes sparkled when she found the mark, and she looked up at Rin.
"Is this it?" She asked. Rin peeked at Luna's form and saw the marble like Bonding crystal on her shoulder. She nodded in confirmation, a small smile stretching on her face.
"Yup, that's it alright. Now you should be able to use your Pokémon's ability. Lucy's is Keen Eye, what's his?" She asked. Luna thought for a moment.
"I believe Luke's ability is Inner Focus." She said, looking over at her trusty Lucario. He nodded in confirmation.
"Now, defend yourself." As soon as those words left, a light surrounded Rin and faded. In a burst of speed, she had disappeared from her spot and reappeared in front of Luna, arm cocked back and ready to send a punch Luna's way. Luna immediately put up her arms in defense, ready to take on Rin's attack.
Luke looked over at Luna, and saw Rin giving her a reflex test. He simply smiled to himself and he watched as she attempted defense. Despite seeing Luna raise her arms to defend herself, Rin continued with her attack. She thrust her clenched hand at Luna's protected face, before stopping a few inches from her face. The wind from her punch swept past Luna, causing her hair to blow with the shockwave. Rin released the tension in her muscles and lightly flicked the teens forehead.
"Not bad, you were pretty fast...but you'll have to be faster if you want to learn Phase Three," she paused for a moment, "now, try to attack me." Luna nodded, and remembered what she had seen Rin do a minute before. She took that battle stance, and she went in for a blow, but she missed by a little. Rin smirked a bit when Luna missed. She sighed at herself in self-discipline, and Luke facepalmed, but he let out a noise of amusement. Luna shook her head for a second, retook the battle stance, and went in for another attack. Using Lucy's Keen Eye ability, Rin swiftly dodged the incoming attack. The black haired female grabbed Luna's wrist, making sure not to hurt her and flipping the teen over her shoulder and onto her back. A loud thud echoed through the small clearing as Luna landed on the hard ground. Luna tried her best to counted the older person holding her down, but she was unsuccessful. Rin chuckled lightheartedly before releasing Luna from her grip.
"Why don't you try a sneak attack? See if that helps." She suggested. Luna nodded, and began to try and focus. She closed her eyes, and began to imagine ways to sneak attack her teacher. The first thought was the back, so she took the chance by quickly running behind her as quietly and swiftly as she could, and tried the attack from there. Rin stay still, listening intently for any noise from Luna. The faint sound of crunching grass told her that the teen was coming from behind. Taking a small side step, Rin waited for the attack to pass. As Luna went for the attack, she saw Rin step to the side as she lunged at her, causing Luna to clumsily tumble to the side, earning a snickering noise from her trusty Lucario, and she turned a tomato red for allowing her closest Pokèmon to watch her fail badly. Rin chuckled and shook her head.

'This is going to take a while.'

I'm still in need of a Beta if anyone is interested, let me know!

FanFic Fact Of  The Day-In Tervari instead of traditional Pokémon battles the trainers use their Bonded forms to fight and pass Trials.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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