The Story Begins

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Knock knock

Rin looked over at her door in confusion, a puzzled look on her face as she stood up to go answer the door. Lucy trotted along after, curious as to who was at their home. She wasn't expecting company. She didn't even know that many people and she doubted that it was Kukui or Guzma at such an early hour. Shoving a hand into her hoodie pouch, Rin opened the door with her free hand and looked down. She was greeted with a little green eyed brunette girl and a Lucario. Recognition flashed through her eyes; it was that girl and her Pokémon from a few days ago, the ones she saved from Hideki and Darcia.
"Oh, you actually showed up...Moon or something, right?" She asked, blankly staring at the shorter girl. In all honesty, she wasn't expecting the girl to take her up on her false offer to take her under her wing as a disciple. Rin thought she was just joking when the girl asked, but apparently not.
"'s actually Luna, miss." The girl replied.
"Ah, right. you, I don't know, want to come in or something? Since you came all this way..." Rin was awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. She wasn't sure what to do about this girl, about Luna.
Luna was silent for a second. Her Pokèmon, the Lucario, put his paw on her shoulder. She mentally sighed.
"I... I came to request a discipleship under you." She said, standing up straight.
"Huh, discipleship?" Rin frowned, crossing her arms over her chest, "sorry, but I'm not looking for descriples." Luna looked up at Rin with a pleading look.
"But... I've wanted to train under you... since that day..." she trailed off, but quickly jumped back to reality, "please, give us a chance!" Luke, her Lucario, nodded at Luna and looked back at Rin, his emotionless face not changing.
'Since that day?'
Rin sighed, looking between Luna and Luke.
"Look, uh...Luna, I'm really not interested in having a disciple," she paused, "why do you want to train under me so badly anyway?" She asked, staring blankly at the two. It wasn't every day that someone came knocking on her door, wanting to train under her. In fact, Luna was probably the first one to ever ask. The young brunette was silent for a moment.
"Well... I really want to have a strong bond with my Pokèmon like you and a few others do." She said. Luke blinked blankly, not saying anything. Rin was quiet, her mismatched eyes flickering over to Lucy, then back to Luna and Luke. She sighed.
"If you can prove to me that you're serious, then I'll consider it." Luna put her hands together.
"Oh, thank you," she said, "you won't regret this decision," Luna bowed, "sayonara!" She said as she and Luke began to leave Rin's home. Rin gave a half hearted wave as the two left her home, a single thought crossing her mind as she watched the retreating forms of Luna and Luke.
'What did I just do?'


I'm still in need of a Beta if anyone is interested, let me know!

FanFic Fact Of The Day-Rin has heterochromia, which means she has two different colored eyes. The right one is green, while the left one is blue.

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