Chapter 6 - Five of Spades

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Olivia felt a lot more guilty after what Will had said. That wasn't just because of her mistake that she did on stage, but the ones she kept doing behind the stage for quite some time now. She knew that Will would never forgive her if she told him what she had been doing. She too had been reluctant to do it at first. Then she felt that it wasn't that bad and she began doing it. It hadn't resulted in any problem till then. But she knew that this problem could've been stopped if she hadn't picked up the call a few days back.

It was long past noon. Will hadn't left his room even for lunch. Olivia was worried for him. Ernest saw the sadness evident in her face.

"He'll be fine", Ernest assured her and left to meet Will.

He strolled to Will's room and gently knocked on the mirror. No response. He studied his reflection in the mirror as he knocked. He hadn't changed over the years. He looked like a man in his forties. His rugged goatee suited his shaved bald head. He had the same blue eyes as Will which often made people see him as Will's dad. Will often complained that Ernest never aged. To an extent, it was true as Ernest had not shown any signs of serious ageing after the birth of Will. But people who knew him before will know how much he had changed. He eventually got tired of knocking and slid the door open. He went in only to find the room empty. He gently pulled the curtain and saw the huge figure standing on the balcony. He gently moved forward and placed his hand on Will's shoulder. Will didn't jerk as he had heard him enter.

"I'm not doing this again, Ernie", Will said.

"By 'THIS', do you mean magic?", Ernest asked.

Will took a moment before he managed," The show. I'm not doing it again."

"You can't run away from your problems, Will."

"I'm not."

"Is this because of Olivia?"

"No, I just lost control there. I badly needed to blame someone and I shouted at her."

"Then?" Ernest questioned.

Will turned and looked at Ernest," I wanted to be the best. What am I now? Nothing more than a loser."

"We're tired of hearing this, Will. You're more mature than this. My sources have a great lead on the caller. He'll be caught most likely."

Will went to the chair where his coat hung. From the pocket, he took a card and handed it over to Ernest.

Ernest had a look at the card. It read 'Kane Cross'.

"What does this have to do with this?", asked Ernest.

Will explained all that had happened in the show and continued," I think he may have something to do with this."

"I seriously doubt that. But just to clarify your thoughts, I'll check. But just say me one thing. Is it him you are worried about.", Ernest said.

"You already know what I'm worried about."


"The Mirage", Will replied.

Ages ago at the birth of magic, magicians had to create their own tricks. Few of the most popular tricks of recent times were discovered then. It was treated as a form of art. But when people felt magic could lead to wealth and fame, the competition became much more fierce. Fellow magicians wanted to stand apart and hence they began working harder. But few of them found a different way. An Act has a value only when people do not know how it is being done. When the element of surprise and suspense disappears, so does its appraisal. So they began revealing the tricks performed by their competitors to the public. Once the people knew the trick they weren't interested in it anymore and the opinion of people on magic took a serious hit. This did not violate any laws and the violators could not be punished. It is believed that the magicians decided to form a council to stop these kinds of practices. Serious punishments were given to offenders. They helped to restore peace in the field of magic and made people respect it for the art is once was. But nothing was heard from them in the recent years. Most people didn't believe the story, but Ernest had told a lot about 'The Mirage' to Will since childhood.

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