Chapter 10 - Ace of Diamonds

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In a minute they found themselves standing in front of a mirror.

"Is this the place you were talking about? Because this is just a plain mirror", Emery let her frustration out. She was badly in need of a good case to prove herself. The previous cases had done nothing but lead her to dead ends. Her previous partner had ditched her and found a new one instead. A fairly new recruit, Waldo, had been given to her. Her superiors felt that she was running out of steam and did not have the enthusiasm she had a few years back. She was desperate to prove them wrong. But she did not like the direction this case was heading.

Will touched the frame and heard the click as he slid the mirror out of the way to reveal a room within. He walked into the room and showed the detectives what he meant.

Olivia let out a gasp as she drank in the sight in front of her. The tables had been shoved out of position, the sheets and curtains ripped off and the entire room was covered with papers. She reached down and picked some. Few of them were blank whereas the others had been scribbled on.

"What does this mean, Will?" she asked.

"I think someone was searching this place for something", said Emery and she walked forward and took a look at the balcony. She came disappointed but she knew that something had happened here. She left the room with Waldo and told everyone to meet her downstairs when they were done.

Will sat on his bed and did not know which of these worried him the most. He felt Ernie's comforting hand on his shoulder and stared blankly back at him. Olivia felt odd standing there between them. She left the room but Will couldn't open up to Ernest like he did all these years. Ernest understood Will better than anyone he had ever known.

Ernest tried his best to comfort Will and lent him a hand to get up," Come on, Will. Let's go downstairs."

Detectives Emery Graves and Waldo were having a conversation when Will and Ernest came down to the hall. They stopped talking and turned to Will.

"Did you find anything missing?" 

Will did not answer. After some time he said," I'm not in a position to answer. I've been through a lot. I need some time, detective."

Emery wasn't very happy with the answer and she let Will know that.

"Do not play victim to circumstances you created", she said.

Will was fuming with anger. He knew he was the reason behind this. But no one ever spoke to him like this. He decided to calm himself.

Will hadn't checked if all his belongings were in the room. He shook his head," I didn't check. I never kept anything valuable in there and I don't know why anyone would hunt for something there."

Emery made a note of it and continued," I'm sorry but you shouldn't be staying here. We need to have the place swept for any shreds of evidence. Do you have any other place you can crash?"

Will was about to speak when Ernest replied," Yes."

"Ok then, after you", said Waldo as he waited for them to leave. They waited for Olivia to come. She had changed her clothes and looked a bit fresh. Waldo locked the house and put a note that the place should remain closed until further notice.

Both detectives got into the white Volkswagen and Emery called," Does anyone need a ride?"

"No!" they replied in unison.

Emery smiled and drove her car out of the compound.

"Why did you lie to them", Ernest asked.

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