Chapter 21 - Nine of Clubs

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The speaker had gone silent for a while. The room was warm and stuffy. Sweat trickled down Will's back. He was too engrossed in the speakers to notice the footfalls echoing off the walls. He hadn't expected The Master to show up in front of him. He didn't have to wonder about the voice that had seemed a little too familiar to him. An old man had walked into the room. It was Marcus. Mrs Stone's husband. The man who had motivated him days ago. He was Fade. He was The Master.

"Why did you do all this?" asked Will.

"Revenge, son. Well... not exactly. I was in search of a mind reader. I looked all around the world for one, never thinking I'd find one. That too in the city I lived. I knew you were special. The mind reading trick was orchestrated but there were times when the trick got the better of you and you used 'something' else to read the mind of the person with the book. I needed that 'something'. I was very doubtful about you at first. But my close acquaintances convinced me to get you on board. It wasn't easy. I sent Kane to get a few clues. He failed miserably. I even visited your house. That is when I trusted Macabre, my last resort. I had known him only for weeks. I sent him to kill Bolton and he came back with an exciting news. Yes, he had finished his job but he also had news about you. Just before the librarian died, he told Macabre something. Something about you. He told him who your father was and begged Macabre to spare him. Macabre showed him no mercy and proved that he was ultimately loyal only to me. It was only then that I came to know that you were Rook's son. I believed that you knew nothing about me too. You weren't raised by your mother. Macabre told me that it was someone called Ernest who had raised you up and there was no way he knew stories about me. But you know everything about me, don't you?"

Will did not reply.

"Yes, but you know only a part of it. I'll tell you the rest. That day, after your dad bound my wife, I killed your father. I never knew that I was capable of such a feat. It took a toll on me, drained me and I fainted. When I woke up, I found only my wife beside me. I searched the whole house but couldn't find anybody else. I took her to various places, seeking the help of various doctors. But none of them knew a way out. Finally, I came here. I neither had the money nor the desire to live. But I wanted to save my wife. I needed money. I needed power. That is when I met Darla Stone. She had everything that I needed. She fell in love with my magic and I married her to keep my dreams alive. If I couldn't save my wife, Clairvoyance, I had to make sure that the both of you suffered. I searched for you and your mother for a long time but was unsuccessful. I patiently waited", The Master said.

"What do you want now? Where is Olivia?" Will asked.

"Patience, Will", he replied.

"I can't wait anymore. Who do you think you are? Is it still that secret you're after? Is that why you want me?"

"You're not as clever as your father, Will. I used to admire him for his wits. You're just an overgrown man with no brains. Your father would've figured out everything by now", he said, smirking.

Will paused for a moment. He felt that The Master was correct. He had let his anger get the better of him. He had to stay calm. Patience was his strength.

"I figured out the secret long back. I'll even tell it to you now, Will. Do you know how your father was invincible? Do you know how he had those unlimited powers? Do you know the secret that powered him? Rage. Pure rage born out of hatred. That fuelled me. It took me to an unrestrained level" he said.

Will could see The Master breathe a little heavily. He seemed tired and weak.

"You don't seem invincible to me. You look like you need help", Will said.

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