Chapter 9 - Three of Hearts

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The doctors were not supportive when they found that Will wanted to leave. He was almost fine but they felt that another day's rest would help. But Will was in no mood to stay there for another minute. He had handed the ring over to the detective. Ernest was getting the hospital discharge procedures done as Will and Olivia were waiting with the detective.

"I'm really sorry for your loss, Will. I really am", the detective had said.

He had told her that the ring had belonged to Tarquin and that could lead to only one possible explanation. The look on Olivia's face said it all. Though it was Will who had told her to do so, she was the one who had fuelled the vents and knew that she would have to live with it the entire life.

As soon as they told the detective all that had happened, she spoke," So, you guys decided to burn the house down for a set of magic tricks. Am I hearing this right?"

Will cleared his throat," They are not just a set of magic tricks. They mean a lot more to me and I did not wish to lose it to some person like Kane. I take full responsibility for the action and it was in no way Olivia's fault."

Olivia doubted if Will would have stood for her like this a few days back. She was still shocked by Tarquin's loss but she knew that something was amiss, "Yes, we fuelled the vent, but it couldn't have lit up on its own, now, could it? Tarquin was in his room when this was happening and all the walls are sealed completely except for the ones in the practice hall."

"We are yet to find the source of the fire. We've searched the mansion completely but did not find the person you've been mentioning. The firearm we found explains your wound", Detective Graves reported as her phone rang.

"I've met Will and we'll be there within ten minutes. Bye", she said before replacing her phone in her pocket and said," That's my partner. He's at your place. The search is over."

They took the detective's white Volkswagen all the way to Will's home. The car was silent the entire time. Will felt his stomach throb. The effect of painkillers was wearing off. But more than the pain, it was the loss of Tarquin that haunted him more. This was a blow his couldn't take. He was his best friend, more like a brother to him. From the days when they performed on streets to when they started performing shows, he had always been there for him. When he thought that all chaos had subsided, this had to happen.

They reached the mansion where they were greeted by a very young officer. He was a couple of inches taller than Olivia, with thick corded muscles defined by his crisp teal shirt. His eyes reminded Will of slush and thunderstorms. They were a deep, solid grey.

"Hello sir. I'm Waldo. I've always wanted to meet you but I expected it to happen under different circumstances. I'm very sorry for your friend."

Will nodded but did not speak another word. They told him that the body had been sent to the hospital. He saw the detective pointing in the direction where the fire had spread. The entire eastern wing was blackened. Olivia must've fuelled the wrong vent.

"Did you find the source of the fire, detective?" asked Will.

The detective scratched her head and said," I think you said that you were the one who poured fuel into a vent that leads to the entire wing."

"Yes. But I asked for the source of the fire. Olivia did pour the fuel but who the hell lit it up?" Will was getting impatient.

"The case is still under investigation. We have men who can do that. Just give us some time", said the detective as she signalled her partner to take the necessary action.

Just as Waldo started making calls as Emery had instructed him, Will was pondering over a thought. All the walls were covered by wooden planks so no one could've lit it up from the inside. So the only possible way someone could've set the building on fire was—

"I think I know the source of fire", said Will and stormed into the house.

"Wait!!", Olivia yelled as everyone else followed Will into the house.

Will bolted up the stairs and finally, he reached the end. He stopped and took a breath as he stared at the door in front of him.

"Will, what are you doing here?" questioned Olivia, panting.

Will turned and saw that everyone had gathered between them. He sighed," I didn't ask anyone to follow me."

Ernest stepped forward," Why did you come up here? What do you know that we don't?"

Will took a deep breath and started," We know that every wall had a cavity along its length which acts as a fireplace, but, Kane did not because all of them were covered with wood. Hence the only way anyone could have lit it up was from the top, right were the vent is."

"But, how did he know this place up here?" asked Detective Graves.

"I have no idea but this thought just came up and I thought, why not give it a shot", Will said as he unbolted the door and went in.

The others followed him and found Will waiting inside. The room was dark but a little sunshine crept its way into the room through the window, enough to reveal the contents of the room. Will did not move. He searched the walls for a switch but couldn't find any. Ernest took out his phone and switched on his flashlight and led the way. Will slowed his breathing and followed him. They went directly to the corner where Olivia had found the container lying on the floor. They walked past it and saw the vents. Will could see the detectives scanning the surroundings instinctively for any signs.

"I don't think anyone has been in this place after me", said Olivia as she found no significant differences in the room.

"Did you, by any chance, peep through that window?" asked Waldo.

Olivia thought for a while and she recalled that she was too concerned to run back and check on Will that she hadn't even noticed it was there. She replied," No."

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

She nodded.

"Then I think I'm sure someone else has been here, Miss", said Waldo as he pointed at the floor beneath the window.

Will saw where Waldo was pointing. There were a pair of footsteps that lead from the vents to the window. They weren't clear enough at the start but just below the window, he could clearly see them. Olivia moved towards the window as Emery stopped her.

"Don't get too close. We may need to call the forensics team to have and investigation here", she stated.

But Will knew that he didn't have to get that close to get a view. One of his few advantages of being tall. He took a few steps and saw what the window showed. It was the view of his front lawn. He wondered what that meant.

"Ok. Let's assume everything we've found out is correct. But what could be the motive? For the culprit to have burned the house. Why would someone even do that if you believe that the solitary interest of that person is finding your big fancy trick?" questioned Detective Graves.

"I don't know. Maybe...", Will thought for a while and asked," Are you sure you found no one else in the house? Maybe anything unusual? Anywhere?...Nothing?"

"Yeah. We swept the entire house. Everything seemed normal. Maybe he did something and set the whole place on fire to cover any mistake", replied Detective Graves, seeming pretty excited in the new thought that had sprung up.

"I'm not sure why he burnt the house but I'm pretty sure of one thing. You missed something when you searched the mansion", Will said as he led them out of the room to the place he had in mind.

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