The Winners

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  You and your group had finally made it to the middle, finding only two had made it. You saw that Guildarts was there. 'He probably had pity on them. After all it is Guildarts' His group had Orga and Rufus. You then heard a loud boom. 'Probably Erza' your thought. (Author's Note, Just say that the other S-Class wzards were there, but not participating.)

"Hey (Y/N), when are we going to leave," Natsu said.

"Once the master says we are doing after this," I said. Then the master had arrived. 

"Listen up troublemakers, since there is only two, we are adding another event, the Sudden Death." I got the creeps, but I have a feeling that we are going to get interrupted, after all we still have the PLAN.

"Hey are we still doing the plan?" Guildarts whispered.

"Of course, but maybe after this 'Sudden Death.' You said. At that moment, me, master, and Guildarts felt a powerful wave of magic for a second.

"Do you know what that was, it felt like somebody's coming, like the last time." Guildarts said.

"Probably. So be cautious of your surroundings. We do not need another interruption to ruin this and make everyone sad. Especially being stuck on this island for several years again." You said.

"Now all you get ready, because the monsters you will be fighting may seem like a dragon, but it is not as powerful as a real dragon." Master said.

"ALL RIGHT, LET'S HEAD OUT!" everyone said.

??? POV

I was really close on blowing my cover. One thing is, do not use magic until they are finished. Then we will see what I can do. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


I felt like I should update because I do not want to be somebody that does not update in one or two years. Also, sorry again if this is really short, maybe one chapter it will be really long. But this is the least I can do. BA BAI!

-Fairy Tail Acnologia_Sting_Zeref

P.S. I will probably be getting rid of the Sting, and replace it for Hakuryuu from Magi. Now, BA BAI!

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