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I look down at my bound hands the last thing I recall is walking onto a boat to set sail for home, Light Hill. Taking in my surroundings, I see men and woman busily loading cargo on ships in a small and congested port, none paying attention to the other. In the distance I can see Silver Keep atop the hill, the rooftops shined in the afternoon sun. I had always wanted to visit there since I was young, and see all of the creativity in the buildings. But today was just a trip for Mother to restock our food for the town back home. What will she think when I don't return? She always warned me to be careful, and I was careless, as always. Just as I was settling down on the ship, two large black garbed men grabbed my shoulders and roughly forced me into a cage with six other people. I had no idea how I got here, or who these dark men were.

They all look like normal people but all of them are wearing long sleeved shirts and dark brown pants. It's still warm outside are they sweating? I thought as I looked at them, around at the cage one man dressed in black came in and tied our hands I look at myself and see I am the only one wearing a white dress that my mother made me from home. "Hey did you try to escape them?" I look over at a man.

He was a big man with wide shoulders, was maybe in his early or late forties, he had black with little gray in his hair, blue eyes and wearing a white long sleeved shirt with brown cloth pants. "Them?" I say the man looked at me confused "you don't know what's going on do you? The men in black are hunters they hunt our kind" the man says I didn't know what this man was talking about. "When we went on the boat to leave for Light Hill to get away from this place Forbidden Holm they came out of nowhere and now we're in their cages." I look over at a boy he's tall, wide shoulders, muscular, around my age, blond hair, green eyes and wearing the same clothes like the man.

"They think I'm with you?" I say looking out of the cage to see a big stone building ahead "Jerren's Outpost somehow I knew they were going to take us here" the man says then the carriage stopped, the cage door opened and there are three people waiting for us to come out. All of us step out of the cage.

There are two men and a woman. All of them are wearing black armor but the woman had a red cloth around her wrist. Is she in charge? I thought. "Line up all of you!" the woman yelled I stand next to the man and the boy "get on your knees!" I get on my knees like the others. I look at everyone on their knees their faces all look scared but the man and the boy weren't scared.

I look at the stone building Jerren's Outpost we're in the middle of the forest. The woman walks over to the man kneeling next to me "Revan" she says "Jerren thinks killing you would be best to end all of the dragon riders rising this would end the war that started long ago" the woman looked at me "this one doesn't look familiar to me" she says "say your name" I looked down at my bound hands and look at her "Zuri" I say the woman didn't say anything "she isn't with us" Revan says "I don't care" the woman nods her head then one of the men walks over to the end of the line, takes out his sword, and beheads one person. I look away, I never saw anyone die with my own two eyes. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Will I end up like that?

My heart kept pounding as the man came closer with his sword now covered in blood from beheading all of these people. I look over at Revan and the boy "are we going to die?" I say the boy looks at me "think about home" he says I thought about my home, Light Hill. I grew up in Bright, there are big and small hills outside of town I watched the sun go down before it got dark. "Where are you from?" "Arkney it's in Ice Port." I hear running I look behind us, a man runs up to the woman. "I have a message from Dark Well" the man says "what is it?" The woman says "Dark Well was... attacked by a... dragon" the man puts his hands on his knees. The woman looks at Revan "who's dragon was it?" nobody said a word I didn't say anything neither.

The woman punched Revan's face "tell me!" "I don't know" he says the woman punched his face again this time making him bleed from his nose. "I don't want to kill you yet" she walks over to the boy "are you going to tell me whose dragon attacked Dark Well?" "Leo!" Revan says the man with the bloody sword pointed the sword at his neck. Leo opened his mouth to say something but didn't say anything the woman was about to kick him in the face "wait!" I say the woman looked at me "I can tell you if you let them live" "alright who's dragon is it?" I can't believe that I'm sacrificing my life to save these people "mine" I looked up at the clouds and I thought I saw something in the clouds. But I look down it might be my head trying to make me see things that are not there. "Kill her" the man walked over to me and looked at his bloody sword, I close my eyes, waiting for death to come.

Then the ground shook I opened my eyes quickly and I saw the man on the ground. He got on his feet, I look up to see a dragon it has white scales and light purple eyes. "Dragon!" The other man yelled "we need to get out of here!" The woman yelled "what about the dragon riders?" The man says the dragon breathes fire on the building.

It looked at me and flew over the place destroying Jerren's Outpost "Zuri come on we need to get out of here!" Revan says I get on my feet. I follow him and Leo into the woods I look at the other dragon riders running in separate directions. "Whose dragon is it?" Leo says "I don't know it may not have a rider, maybe it was looking for its rider" Revan and Leo stop and look around the woods "this should do" Revan walks over to a tree and rubs the rope on a tree branch and the rope came off his wrists. I go over to the tree branch, rub the rope and it comes off. Leo does the same I sat down near the tree.

The dragon when it attacked it looked at me. Why didn't it kill us? "Zuri what are you thinking about?" Leo says I look at him "the dragon looked at me but it didn't kill us. I don't know why" I say "it may have seen you as a rider and the rest of us as dragon riders" Revan says I get on my feet "I'm not a rider how can I tell that I am?" "There will be a mark on your forearm" Leo points his finger on his right forearm where there is a mark that's glowing green. I looked down at my right forearm and there was a mark on my forearm that was shaped like a dragon. I never knew I had this on my arm "I just wanted to go home I never wanted to be a part of this!" Revan and Leo look at me "you better get used to it!" Revan yelled walking ahead. Leo ran after him leaving me alone. So does that mean my father was a dragon rider and Mother lied to me? Someone in my family was a rider before me but who?

 So does that mean my father was a dragon rider and Mother lied to me? Someone in my family was a rider before me but who?

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The dragon mark

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now