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I open my eyes and see Leo looking at me. I look around to see we're not in Ice Port we're on some big leather saddle. "Where are we?" I say Leo looks behind his back and I see Revan looking ahead "we're in the sky on a dragon" Revan looks over his shoulder at me "your dragon" he says. Then I heard a voice in my head.

Zuri it's alright. I told you I was coming for you Is it Shirow that I'm hearing? I look around "is this real?" Leo and Revan look at me "Zuri this is real we are on your dragon" "can dragons talk?" Leo nods his head "only you can hear them in your head" Leo says.

"When I woke up I saw you were gone tell us what happened" Leo says "I heard a voice telling me to come outside. The voice kept calling me then I suddenly couldn't help myself. I went outside and saw a cloaked figure standing in the shadows. He said I knew you would come out I asked what do you want? Then he said we can discuss that in another location and my vision went black." I say I was about to continue then Revan had to say something "what you saw was a man hiding his face he used magic on you it was a trap" he says.

"I'm sorry" Revan motioned me to continue on so I did "then I woke up chained to a wall in a stone building. I looked around and I saw this man sitting on a chair in front of me. He had black hair with a little bit of grey, brown eyes, and wearing black clothing" Revan looked at me "Jerren what did he want?" Revan says looking ahead "he wanted you. I didn't say anything he said I have a job to do and it's to kill you and every last one of you I asked why and Jerren said the king thinks the dragon riders are a threat to Oswor and he wanted me to tell him where you were. He was going to punch my face then you guys showed up" I say.

Leo looks at me "I didn't know we had a king" he says "King Amir he's been king for a long time." Revan says I didn't know a lot about the king. Mother told me the king rules Oswor "change in plans we're going to see King Amir" "you're going to confront him are you?" Revan looks at us and nods his head "he's on Ghost Island in a place called King's Watch" "how do you know he's there?" "It's a long story" "you're going in alone? You can't you'll need help" Leo says "Zuri tell your dragon to head for Ghost Island" "can he hear you talking?" I say Revan didn't respond "Shirow can you hear me?" I whisper. Of course I heard your friend he wants to go to Ghost Island Shirow turns around and flies the other way "I don't want to go there" I hug my knees your friend wants to talk to the king to find out why you are a threat in Oswor.

I looked down and saw Ice Port and Light Hill on the other side of the saddle. We're almost there Zuri tell your friend Shirow says I look up and see Revan looking ahead "Revan, Shirow told me to tell you that we're almost there" I say "alright" he says What's wrong Zuri? "I keep thinking that something will happen after we get there" If something does happen run "I know I can't fight but I don't want to run" Zuri you have to "there it is!" Leo says I look up and see an island below us.

Shirow lands on the ground outside a stone tower. We slide off "there's King's Watch you two stay here" Revan says walking towards the stone castle "Shirow I have this bad feeling that something isn't right" I say I feel it too I hear Shirow say "Zuri" Leo says I look at him then Revan stops talking "it's an ambush" he says "we have to get out of here!" Leo gets back on Shirow's back Revan runs back to us and gets on Shirow. He grabs my hand to get on Shirow's back. "I can't hold on much longer!" I say as Shirow flies off the ground. "I won't let you go!" Revan says I feel sweat in our hands I need to let go so Leo and Revan can escape. I released my grip "Zuri don't!" I slipped out of Revan's hands and I land on the ground. I don't have any choice but to run. I hope Shirow knows that I'm not with him.

I ran towards King's Watch, I opened the two doors and closed them behind me. Zuri where are you?! I hear Shirow say "I'm alright I'm in King's Watch as you were taking off Revan couldn't hold on to me much longer I had to drop" I whisper I look around the entrance and find another door, I open it and see it's a small room for cleaning supplies I close the door Revan keeps telling me to fly but where? "I don't know go somewhere safe" Zuri be careful "I will Shirow be safe" I say.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now