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I look down and see King's Watch. "I don't know for sure if he's there" I say Shirow lands on the ground. Zuri if Leo isn't here where would he be? I hear Shirow say "I don't know hidden in a city I guess" I slide off of Shirow.

I look at Shirow "keep an eye out while I'm inside" I say Shirow flies in the sky I watch him disappear in the clouds. I walk towards the stone building. I look down at my steel sword on my hip I only have this and a little magic I know.

I know if Leo isn't here it's going to be a trap. If he is either way it's going to be a trap. I open the door the place is empty. I walk in the throne room I didn't see anyone around. It's quiet. I walk in a room that has a long table with food set on it and at the other end of the table is King Amir.

King Amir smiled "I knew you would come here again" he says grabbing food and setting it on his plate in front of him. I didn't say anything "I know why you're here" he takes a bite of meat and swallows it "you're looking for your friend" "where is he?!" I say grabbing the handle of my sword King Amir looks at me "are you hungry? Here's food for you to stay" "I'm not here to stay I'm here for Leo where is he?!" King Amir looked amazed at my anger "we can make a deal" "what kind of deal?" I was ready to pull out my sword "a deal what we want like you want your friend" "what do you want?" I say he looks at me "I want your power" "you already have power to the throne of Oswor" King Amir looked at the food then at me. "You know how long I've been king? I've been king since I was child and you know how some of you dragon riders have magic? I want that magic but I can't get it because I'm not like you" "what do you want with my magic?" I say "I want it to make the people of Oswor fear me" King Amir says he smiles "so here's our deal I'll release your friend and I'll take you instead for your magic do we have a deal?" I look down at the table. It's the only way to safe Leo. I look up at King Amir "deal" I say letting go of the handle on my sword.

King Amir gets up from the table "follow me" he says he walks out of the room into the throne room. He walks to the throne and sits on it. King Amir looked at me "stand next to me" I stand next to his throne. Then the two doors open I saw two guards handling Leo in chains. They walked up to the throne and threw Leo down before King Amir. Leo looks at me confused then at King Amir "so you must be asking yourself what's going on? Why is my friend here? Well she came to me asking for you so we made a deal that you'll go free while she takes your place" King Amir says "Zuri what are you doing?!" Leo yelled the guards took the chains off and walked up to me and placed the chains on me instead. "You're free to go your friend will be alright" the guards took me by my arms I didn't struggle "Zuri why are you doing this?!" I look at him "because I care for your sake" I say then the guards took me away I kept hearing Leo yell my name I look back one more time before the doors closed.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now