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The sun is rising now and I see an island what looks like ice "is that Ice Port?" I say "that's it" Leo says pointing his finger at tall snow buildings "it's Arkney" then Revan walks over "what are you two doing?" he says "I was telling Zuri about Ice Port" "it sounds very interesting" I say the boat docks and we get off the boat.

Arkney is cold there are a lot of men and women with their children wearing black or brown fur coats, hats and gloves. Leo walks away "where's he going?" I say rubbing my arms "getting coats for us Ice Port is a pretty cold place to live at" Revan says then Leo walks over with three fur coats he hands me a brown fur coat with a fur hat and gloves I put on the coat with the gloves and hat. He and Revan throw on black fur coats along with their black fur hats and gloves. "So what are we going to do here?" I say "We'll wait" Revan says "for what? No boats go to the Darkest Islands" Leo says "I know we have to wait for your dragon"

I look around at the people walking around "what about these people do they know about dragons?" "Everyone knows about dragons since the dragon riders started rising" Revan says "when was that?" "Sixteen years ago" sixteen years ago was also the time that my father left. Everyone in Oswor knows there's dragons and dragon riders "where will we stay?" "My place" Leo says Revan and I follow Leo through the crowd of people.

Leo led us into a blacksmith shop I looked around at the weapons hanging on the walls and there was a forge. "Dad!" Leo says then a man came out of the room. He had blond hair like Leo, blue eyes, and wearing black pants, white shirt with a black apron "Leo?!" the man says then he jumped himself at Leo giving him a hug. "I thought you would never come home" "Dad I'm home. Do you have a place where we can talk?" the man nods his head "yes of course come" we follow the man into another room behind the forge.

"What is it?" the man says "there's things you need to know before I leave again" Leo says the man didn't say anything "after I left I found out that I'm a dragon rider and Revan here is helping me" the man looked at Revan "why didn't you tell me about this?!" Revan didn't say anything "I didn't want you to be involved with the D.R.H" "what does that mean?" "Dragon Rider Hunters" I say "and she is?" "Zuri we met at Jerren's Outpost" "Leo why were you there? Jerren would have killed you!" "Dad I was captured with Revan and Zuri then we escaped because a dragon attacked the outpost" "a dragon attacked was it your dragon?" Leo shakes his head "I believe it was mine" I say "but I'm not sure I found out I was a dragon rider when we escaped the outpost" "and now we'll stay here to rest and leave tomorrow" Revan says.

That night I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about Shirow. He said he'll look for me but does he know where to find me? Then I thought I heard something, I sat up in my sleeping bag and I looked around. I listened to see if it would happen again but I didn't hear anything I was going to try to sleep then I heard. Zuri come outside. Someone was calling me I wasn't sure who. My guts telling me not to go outside I didn't move. Then the voice called to me again Zuri come outside why is someone calling me? What do they want at this time? Suddenly I couldn't help myself but to go outside. I get out of my sleeping bag and walk to the door, I open it and see a cloaked figure standing in the shadows. "I knew you would come out" he says "what do you want?" I say "we can discuss that in another location" he waves his hand then my vision went black.

I wake up chained to a wall still wearing my white dress with the fur coat, mittens and hat over it. How did I get here? I looked around I was in a stone room there was a fire going, and a man was sitting on a chair in front of me. He had black hair with a little bit of grey, brown eyes, and wearing black clothing. The man looks at me "where's Revan?" he says he was the cloaked figure outside. I didn't say anything "I have a job to do and it's to kill you and every last one of you" "why?" I finally say "the king thinks the dragon riders are a threat to Oswor and they need to be gone along with their dragons." "What did we do?" "I follow orders and that order is to kill you and your friends" the man gets up from his chair and walks over to me and puts his right hand next to my head "tell me where Revan is" I didn't say anything his left hand was formed into a fist about to punch my face then the wall behind him breaks down. I see a dragon it was Shirow then I saw Leo and Revan slide off "Zuri!" Leo yells I look around and the man was gone. I felt the chains on my wrists being removed as my vision is turning dark.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now