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I saw Mother putting posters of me saying missing and a reward of one thousand coins. Someone wearing a black cloak walked up to her. "Do you know anything about my daughter?" "I can tell you that she's like me" it's a man under the hood. He removes his hood "Revan?" Mother says Revan smiled "you missed me?" he says then she ran into him giving him a hug "it's alright I'm here to get you somewhere safe" "what about Zuri?" Revan looks behind his back "you sent her to the Forbidden Holm to get supplies and head back here right?" Mother nodded her head "she and I were captured by the D.R.H" Mother puts her hands over her mouth "Zuri knows about the dragon mark your magic worn off" he says grabbing her hand "she'll be here shortly" and they walk away.

I open my eyes in time to see the boat dock on Light Hill "Shirow I'm here" I whisper rubbing my eyes Revan is waiting for you at your house I walk off the boat and into Bright "Shirow I know he's hiding something. I had some vision on the way here about him talking to my mother" you just have to find out I walk into the town and turn corners until I see my home "Shirow where are you at?" I'm flying the skies making sure nobody is around you're clear for now I walk to the door of my house and walk in.

I saw Mother and Revan standing in the kitchen. "Zuri you're safe!" Mother says walking over giving me a hug I didn't say anything "what's wrong?" she looked at me up and down "what's going on?" I say looking at Revan "why are we here?!" "I needed to talk to your mother" Revan says "she doesn't need to know anything!" "I already know" she says then I remembered the vision I had of Mother and Revan talking about me. Did that happen? "What do you know?" Mother pulls my sleeve up and sees my dragon mark. She looked at it I waited for her to yell at me but she didn't. "Just like your father" she looks at Revan "tell her" Revan looks at me "when we first met in the cage on our way to Jerren's Outpost you've known me as Revan" he says looking at Mother expecting her to take over but she didn't "the truth is I'm your father" he looked at me I didn't say anything. All of this time I was with him, my father he's a dragon rider "I left because I wanted you to be safe from the D.R.H" I understand why he left he just wanted to keep Mother and I safe. But look where I am now "can I call you Father?" I say Revan smiles, walked over to me and gave me a hug.

Zuri there's boats coming in with king's guards I think they're after your mother! I hear Shirow say I look at Father and Mother "I just heard from Shirow there are king's guards here" I say "we have to leave!" Leo says running in the room "we'll go the Darkest Islands and settle there" Father says "Mother pack your stuff Shirow said they might be after you" she ran from room to room putting things in her bag "we can't stay for long!" "I'm ready" Mother says we run out the door and outside the town "Zuri tell your dragon to land" Father says "Shirow you need to land somewhere outside of Bright" I whisper while running behind Father, Mother and Leo on my way then Shirow landed in front of us. I watched Mother climb on Shirow, Father and Leo followed I got on last. I saw the king's guards coming towards us "Shirow!" I yell and he flies off.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now