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I saw Leo chained up in a building then King Amir walks in the room. "Where did they go?" Leo didn't say anything then King Amir punched Leo in the face. "Where?!" "I don't know" Leo says King Amir leaned over Leo "do you want to die?" Leo looks up at King Amir "if I die today I'll be in Kenim a better place" Leo looks at me and smiles.

I open my eyes and I don't feel weak. I sat up and look around I saw Mother coming back with wood. "You're up how are you feeling?" I look over and see Father looking at me "I'm fine" I say I get on my feet and nothing happened. I walk slowly on my feet being careful. "You should have all of your energy back" "that's good I need to find Leo" I pack my things. "Zuri you need to take it slow!" Mother says putting wood in the fire "I can't wait any longer Leo is suffering" I say then I saw Shirow land on the ground.

Zuri it's dangerous I hear Shirow say "I know" I say "You can't just take off to get him it isn't easy!" Mother says I look at her "I've been through it." She was was in Leo's place? "Were you captured?" Mother nods her head "I was pregnant with you. Jerren captured me in order to get your father killed." She looks at Father "it's true" he says "I was there when he killed your father's dragon, I tried to save her but I couldn't. I didn't have enough energy to."

I looked down Mother is afraid of Shirow dying. Because she couldn't save Father's dragon. "Shirow will you die if I die?" I say We're stuck together. If you get hurt I get hurt. The only way to kill us both is a stab through the heart. I hear Shirow say I look down "but how did Father live after his dragon died?" "Sapphire gave me the rest of her life to save mine" Father says. So a dragon can save its own rider? I look at Shirow "you can do that?" Shirow nodded his head. "I know it won't be easy getting Leo but he's my friend and I need him" I walk over to Shirow and touch his scales "we're going to save Leo" I say.

I packed my things and I jumped on Shirow's back. Mother walked over "Zuri are you sure about this?" I nod my head. "Mother I'll be back" I say Zuri do you know where he is? I hear Shirow say "the only place that I can think of is King's Watch" Father walked over "be careful" he says I nod my head, Shirow takes off into the sky.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon