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Shirow was flying in the night sky. "What now?" I say looking at Father "we have to find a place to train" he says "Revan what happened?" Mother says "you saw what happened Gerold contacted Jerren to go to Dragon's Tail and kill everyone" Leo says "what's happening?" I say Mother looked at me "it's difficult to explain" she says "there's another part of the Darkest Islands but there's nothing over there we can be safe there" "it's the only place to go for now" Father says Shirow flies around the dark island that Dragon's Tail was on.

There was the other island. It has mountains but no forests anywhere. I look at Mother "how is this safe?" I say "it only has mountains" "I know but it's a good hiding place for now to train you" I look at Leo he looks confused "I don't get why Gerold says Zuri should fight Jerren then he calls him to kill us" Leo says "we're all confused what happened tonight but we can talk tomorrow" Father says. "Shirow take us to the other part of the Darkest Islands" I whisper I hear you Zuri Shirow says turning in the sky. I look at the Darkest Islands I saw the island where we came from it was beautiful from the sky. But now Jerren is looking for me and the rest of us. Shirow landed on the other island of the Darkest Islands. "We'll rest here I'll take first watch" Father says.

I couldn't sleep. I heard Father and Leo talking "why do keep looking at her?" I hear Father say "she's beautiful and she's strong like you" I pictured Father agreeing with Leo. "I hope you treat her well if I pass" "Revan you can't go she needs you" Leo says "Leo I'm old I don't have a lot of energy like I used to. You can teach Zuri how to fight with a sword" Father says "but what about your wife?" I pictured Father and Leo looking at Mother sleeping. "She'll stay here and train Zuri to use magic" I closed my eyes.

Mother shook me awake. I look at her with my sleepy eyes. "It's time to teach you some magic" she says "now?" I say looking around. Father and Leo are gone "where's Leo and Father?" "Leo needs more training too" I get on feet then I see fire coming towards me fast. I dodged it I looked at Mother. I saw her with her hand out she smiles "you sensed it coming right?" Mother puts her hand down by her side.

"I didn't sense anything I saw it" I say Mother shakes her head "we have a lot to work on" she says "Zuri what do feel?" I look at my hands "nothing" I look at Mother "everything around you is magic. Everything you touch, see, and hear" "hear?" I say Mother nods her head "you absorb magic from it. Look how it works" Mother closes her eyes and opens them.

Then green light appears floating on her palm, she hits the ground with her hand and a green ball surrounds her. "This is an Earth Shield it protects you from danger" Mother says the Earth Shield disappeared freeing her "you try now" I don't know how to do this. Earth Shield then I felt burning in my hand I look at it and see the same green light floating on my palm.

I look at Mother. Am I supposed to do the same thing like she did? I hit the ground with the green light floating on my palm and see a green shield around me. I looked Mother she smiled. "You're good already with defense" she says "now let's try attack" "like what?" I say "fire" then a flame of fire appears on her hand it doesn't look like it's hurting her. She shoots the fire at a dead tree destroying it. Mother looks at me "try it" I'm afraid to I might hurt Mother. Fire then I felt burning in my hand again I look at my hand and this time I see fire floating on my hand. I look at a dead tree and I swing my arm towards the tree and the fire shots from my hand at the dead tree then it turns into black dust.

Mother looks at me "very good now we should find your father and Leo so we can teach you how to fight with magic" she says then I see Leo running towards us "Revan wants to show you something!" Leo says "what is it?" I say "I don't know" Mother and I followed.

Oswor And The Rise Of The Dragon Riders (Oswor #1)Where stories live. Discover now