Ch. 4.4- Here We Go Drowning

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We split the winnings and retire to a booth. Esato Lyu is passed out; the ambassador just pushes him over and sits beside him, handing me another glass of drink in celebration of our victory.

"You're a shattered genius at cards," he tells me, offering his glass for a toast. "A shattered genius, Shira."

"It was just a bit of strategy, that's all," I say with a slight blush.

"Oh no," he answers. "Put away that Shikkan modesty for once, will you? You promised to be a proper brute earlier and I expect you to at least own your own skill."

"Fine," I laugh, clinking my glass against his. "I'll own it. I'm a shattered genius at cards."

"How did you know Eadas had the Empress?" he asks me, leaning forward like he's asking me to reveal some grand secret.

"Magic," I answer solemnly, taking a deep drink of my Y'chora. The warmth of the liquor spreads throughout my entire body. "I'm the Beloved of Zsavina, aren't I?"

He snorts. "I could almost believe it. You remind me of an Impei."

"A what?"

"A trickster spirit," he says with a grin. "They're supposed to be unearthly beautiful, lithe and shining silver, but they wreak all kinds of havoc when they're left to their own devices."

"I wreak no havoc!" I protest.

He laughs. "You just humbled Eadas Sev, undisputed Xalzan champion. The news of it will be all over the Council buildings by the morning. Believe me, there will be havoc."

I smile despite myself. "Well, we could all use a little humbling now and again, I suppose. Maybe they'll learn not to underestimate the next stranger that comes to sit at their table."

"You've definitely taught them that, little Impei," he chuckles. "Underestimate you, indeed. I would blame them for it, but I was just as guilty of it myself."

"I'm used to it," I murmur, taking another drink. "I'm a bastard with a girlish face who has a penchant for gardens and colored silks. Do you think anyone takes me seriously the first time they meet me?"

"Even with the force of the Dimaraste at your back?"

"The Dimaraste were the worst of them!" I laugh. "Half my uncles wanted to pass the title of Izsai back to O'otani when we came of age because they claimed I was too gentle to rule. My mother fought them viciously, of course, but I still think she might have had the title if she'd wanted it."

The ambassador raises his eyebrows in surprise. "They tried to unseat you?"

I shake my head. "Not openly. There were grumblings for years, but no one acted on them. Besides, they soon realized I was the lesser of two evils."

"How so?

"I am air," I say. "Light, gentle, possibly interpreted as weak. But O'otani, she is fire, through and through. Born violent and passionate and uncontrollable. By the time she was thirteen the family saw well enough that she would not be fit to lead. She would've burned the Dimaraste to the ground."

"Then they were right to choose you," the ambassador responds. "A political machine needs to be run by cold blood. Fire has its place, but it's not in government. All the hot blooded visionaries in the world are good for little more than dreaming up ideologies."

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