Chapter Two

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Bohimika was perfect.

Ever since she had received the mysterious email, then Foliis had been looking up all sorts of pictures and videos of the island. Her excitement was far too much to be contained. The pictures and videos had been impressive, which only made Foliis' hype for her arrival grow.

Once she finally arrived with her entire group, which consisted of Lucy, Casey, Scarlet, Faith, Fey, Byrne, and Foliis herself. Even Caj was there. She had been invited to do it, and since Sycamore had been very busy, she had come alone. She was afraid that her true name and identity as the reincarnation of Aurora, the messenger of the Azran, might put her in danger, so she decided to go by Caj Essence for the time being.

They had arrived by boat since there were no airports on the island of Bohimika. The boat trip had lasted for three days, and each time the sun went up and down, Foliis grew more and more bored.

But now that they were on the island, all of that had stopped mattering. Foliis stepped out onto the plank between the boat and the land of Bohimika. She was disoriented from being on a ship for so long, but she didn't mind. That didn't seem all that important.

"There are bound to be other people on this island. The email would have only mentioned us and our mystery solving skills from Psylias if it was going to be just the eight of us," Byrne declared. He was good with mysteries, Foliis had to admit. That was one of the things she liked about him. Her brain did nothing but tell her to kiss him after telling him all the things she liked about him, but at the same time, that was far too romantic for her tastes. She knew what she liked, and something that wasn't within her likes was something romantic. It only ever looked good in her weird dreams. Any thoughts of it during the day did nothing but make her cringe.

"Let's go and see what they're like, then," suggested Casey. "It sounds to me like they're going to be working with us a lot because we're supposed to be solving this big mystery together."

"I'm sure that they're all going to be in the city hall," Fey declared. "I got an email about two or so days ago that said that we all need to go to the city hall once we get here."

"I wonder why the rest of us didn't get emailed... Only the youngest of us..." Caj wondered aloud.

"Probably because I'm super bold for having a gender identity that's out side the norms of socity!" Fey declared happily, placing his hands on his hip.

Between the last case and the new thing on Bohimika, Fey had come out of the closet to the group. He told them all that he liked people of all genders, making him pansexual. Even further than that, then he came out over his gender identity. He said that he was genderfluid, which meant that he fluctuated between different genders. Sometimes, he felt like a boy and others like a girl, and occasionally, he felt like he was something in between.

Fey told them what he felt like that day by the hair ties he wore. Since he always wore his hair in a ponytail, he color coded them to show people which pronouns to use. Today's color, which was a navy blue, told the group to use masculine pronouns. Red was used on days when he wanted to be called a female and yellow was used when he was in the middle. Red and yellow hair ties were around his wrists, waiting to be used. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't lose track of them, and that was the best way for him to do so.

"Where do you think the city hall is?" Lucy asked the group.

"I guess that we should just follow the signs," Faith suggested. She pointed to a nearby sign that gave instructions to the city hall for Bohimika. Even if she was blind, Faith was part of the mental link, the psychic link, to be exact, with Fey and Foliis. She could see and experience everything that they were going through.

"Faith makes a good point," Fey agreed. "The signs are probably the best way to go. I don't think that we'll know what to do if we ignore them. We're strangers in a strange place and I don't see any people around here that could give us legitimate directions to where the town hall is. I don't know why there's nobody around, but... There's nothing we can really do about that now. We can't control these people. We don't even know them, so we can't even try to control them by having Foliis yell at them the way she yells at all rude people."

"Or just people who generally bother her," Lucy said with a shrug. She laughed as she received a glare from Foliis, who looked more than a little bit irritated that her short tempered tendencies were being brought up.

"Let's just follow the stupid signs..." Foliis whispered, shaking her head in a disapproving fashion. "Let's meet the stupid people involved with this case and show them how solving mysteries is done. I'm sure that they'll be looking up to us since we've actually solved a real case and I doubt that any of them have."

"Overly confident and cocky thoughts aside," Casy began, earning him yet another one of Foliis' famous glares, "I think it's time to get going. I'll lead us to the town hall. If you're so inclined to argue, you can do so while we're walking. How does that sound?"

Nobody put forth an objection. Even as she glared at everybody around her, Foliis was excited for this new mystery. She couldn't wait to kick butt in solving this case and get more recognition than ever.


Yes another update yay


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