Chapter Twenty One

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The boat ride over to the island, which had a name that started with K, one that Misa couldn't remember, was long and involved a lot of screaming. Misa often covered her ears when the Bennett couple's yells got especially loud, which was rather often. The sound grew defeaning over the course of a few minutes. Misa couldn't wait for their arrival, which came about thirty minutes after they set off. Misa never realized that boats were as slow as they were until she was on the deck of the one taking them to the neighboring island.

The police station wasn't very far from the ocean. Misa assumed that it was because if any criminals tried to escape, they wouldn't get very far at all, as the ocean surrounded the island for miles upon miles. They wouldn't even think of escaping knowing that it would lead to death or imprisonment. It was all a rather sound strategy, she thought.

Toya and Sofia dragged the yelling couple into the police station. Toya led Sofia up to the front desk and exchanged words with the person behind the desk. The one on the other side of the desk was a woman with stern eyes that seemed to pierce Misa's soul. Misa shrugged off her terrifying gaze as the woman called for a few officers to take the Bennett couple off to their own cells. The couple was screaming even as they were dragged off. Misa was thankful when she was finally free of their yelling. She didn't know how much longer her ears could have held out before she ended up deaf.

Misa led her group to the hospital next. It was about three blocks away from the police station. It could have been further. Misa was thankful that the distance wasn't too large. She slowly opened the door to the hospital. It creaked as it opened. The screeching sound was still more pleasant than the screaming of the Bennett couple, which was saying a lot.

The hospital on the neighboring island was filled with all sorts of smiling nurses. Misa led the group inside and glanced around. She tried to exchange smiles with the people she saw, but it soon became too much of a task for her to uphold on her own. Instead, Misa walked to the front desk and asked the nurse there for the Dohim siblings. The nurse told her that the top floor, the sixth floor, to be exact, had them on it. The room number was 6, so the room was 606. One number away from Satan, as Quinton would often say.

Misa shook the thought off and relayed the message to her group. A snicker escaped Alex's lips. She knew that he was thinking of the 'one number away from Satan' thing Quinton often thought of. Misa shrugged it off and led them to the elevator. The elevator seemed rather small, so Misa wasn't sure if they'd all fit, but her worries seemed to have no reasoning behind them. With enough crowding, they all fit just fine. Misa could hear a little bit of heavy breathing coming from somewhere else in the elevator, so she assumed that at least one other person was afraid of tight spaces.

The elevator doors slid open. Misa walked through them and gestured for her friends to follow. She made her way to the sixth room and knocked quietly. She figured that the group would be able to speak with them now, even if the doctors had chosen to perform a test or two.

Sure enough, inside of the room was the rest of the group, leaving little space for Misa and her gang of newcomers. A few people had to sit on the beds being used by Foliis, Faith, and Fey, but in the end, it all worked out alright. "Are they awake yet?" Misa asked Byrne gently.

Byrne shook his head. "Caj said that they should wake up soon. Hopefully, she's right and everything will be okay..." Byrne sighed and took Foliis' hand and squeezed it. "Anyways... How did things go with the Bennett couple?"

"As far as I can tell, we've figured out the truth behind this whole mess," said Toya. "They pretty much confessed to bringing the mysterious men into the town for their own selfish needs. We took them into the police station before coming here. Sofia and I really showed up what's up. Girl power!"

Sofia didn't give any sort of response to Toya's remark. Instead, she sighed. "I assume that you guys are going to want an explanation as to what we found out," she said.

"Yeah. How did you guess?" asked Landry harshly. They sounded even darker than usual. Misa expected that this was because their parents were now in prison for keeping criminals in their town. Misa felt bad for Landry for having to deal with this. No teenager should have to deal with the loss of a family member so early on in their life. Misa recalled her own family at thinking of this, but she soon dismissed the thoughts. She had other things to deal with in this situation.

"Okay. This is all a long story, so... It might take a little bit of time to go over," Kurisu said, looking down with a small sigh. "It involved a large amount of laughing... I can say with utmost certainty that I never want to see a dark haired person wearing purple laugh like a maniac again. Seeing those two do it for five minutes straight was enough to deal with for a lifetime."

"What are you waiting for? Hop to it!" Quinton exclaimed, growing impatient. He made his way over to Misa and crossed his arms. He began to tap his foot. Misa knew that it was time to kick off the explanation before he grew even more impatient and began to talk trash. Well... Talk even more trash than usual.

Misa let out a sigh. "Alright... Let's take it from the top," she said.


We are getting closer to the end aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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