Chapter Thirteen

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Byrne stood on the docks outside of Bohimika, phone grasped tightly by his right hand. He stared out at the ocean and watched the waves crash against the shore before receeding back into the endless water that surrounded the city. The sun had set since the group's promise to go to the hotel to rest, so starts twinkled up above Byrne's head.

Byrne stared up at the moon. It was a waxing crescent. It was under a moon of this moon phase that he and Foliis had shared their a kiss on their first date. It had been a picnic about a month after the Psylias deal had been solved. Byrne shut his eyes and thought of the scene when he pecked Foliis on the cheek before the auburn haired girl passionately kissed him on the lips in return. It made Byrne blush at the time, but at that moment, it made him smile in pleasant reminiscence.

"I miss you, Foli..." Byrne found himself saying. It wasn't like the words had actually intended to be formed. They just sort of happened without any influence from the blonde boy. That happened to him at some points in time and he was sure that it happened to others as well, though he couldn't say for sure isnce he wasn't living in the mind of anybody else.

Byrne looked down at the waves for a few moments more before pulling up his phone. He powered it on and typed in his password, 110037. It was his locker combination from his first year in private school when he was 11, but since he had been rather forgetful when he was that age, then he made it his phone password so he wouldn't forget, only he had forgotten to change it once the school year came to a close. He couldn't bring himself to now, of course, as he had grown rather close with that simple six digit number, as odd as it sounded.

Byrne's finger hesitated above the photos icon on his screen before tapping it. The screen transitioned to show all of Byrne's photo albums. Byrne clicked on the album labelled with a few heart emoticons. This was the stockpile of photos he had taken of himself and Foliis when they were on dates. There were quite a few of them, so when he felt lonely in times like these, he could scroll through them for hours to make himself feel a little bit better about being alone.

He scanned through a few photos, recounting the story that went along with each one. Foliis on their third date covered in frozen yogurt after a waiter at Yogurtini had accidentally spilled it all over her. Foliis on their seventh date givin Byrne a few roses while blushing madly. Byrne and Foliis on their ninth date at the movie theaters to see a new movie. Byrne couldn't remember the name of the movie at that moment in time, but he figured htat he'd remember it soon enough.

Memories flooded the mind of Byrne. He closed his eyes in sweet happiness. He wanted nothing more than to take Foliis out on another date when the moment arose. After this case was solved and Foliis was out of her coma, which he was assuming was caused by the Azran technology link that had been mentioned by Caj earlier that day. That being said, he figured that it was an easy fix if they could find somebody who was good enough with the tech. Maybe he and Caj could drag Sycamore out of the hole that he had dug for himself in the past few months investigating the Azran and Targent. It took a lot to convince Sycamore to do something that wasn't related to his research, so Byrne quietly hoped that this would be enough to persuade him.

Byrne's phone buzzed between his fingers. He looked down. His phone had turned off while he was thinking, so it was on the home screen. Byrne took a glance at it, which lasted a grand total of two seconds, before shrieking in shock. A loud siren like noise was being emitted from the phone, which scared even a twenty year old man like Byrne.

Byrne clicked on the notification. "An AMBER Alert?" Byrne whispered quietly, an eyebrow rising slightly. "I guess that a kid got kidnapped."

Byrne watched the notification expand to cover the entire screen. The details of the alert popped up in the blink of an eye, which Byrne chose to read aloud. "'The island of Klodisya, about twenty miles away from the island of Bohimika, received three new patients suddenly from the nearby island. These three were London dwellers by the names of Foliis Dohim, Faith Dohim, and Fey Dohim. They are all siblings and live on the campus of Gressenheller University where the famous Professor Hershel Layton is a teacher. The three siblings were admitted to the hospital in comas earlier today, said comas coming about for unknown reasons.'

"'The three were kidnapped while under the wing of the Klodisya hospital staff. They were found gone at around nine fifteen PM by a pair of nurses who reported that all of them had gone missing some time between eight thirty and nine fifteen when they were discovered missing. All people around the islands of Klodisya and Bohimika have been requested to look for them to discover where in the world they have gone. Any information regarding the cases is to be turned into the Klodisya police immediately.'"

Byrne's eyes went wide and looked down at the ground. His head was spinning. He felt dizzy. He feared that he would just fall over any moment now. This was terrible, worse than that, if you thought about it. Byrne ignored the boat that was coming into the harbor and ran back to the hotel. He had to tell his friends so that they could figure out what in the world was going on regarding the conundrum of the vanishing siblings.


Can you spell plot point bc I can


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