Chapter Twenty Five

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"What are we going to do?"

A sigh erupted from the lips of a salmon haired man. "Did you really think that I was just going to let them go? I'm afraid that you do nothing but continue to underestimate me," he said, shaking his head slightly. "Just trust me in this situation. Remember that I control your salary. If you disobey me or don't trust me, then you can expect a drop in pay or that I'll let you go from Targent entirely."

The first man, a blonde one with deep blue eyes, shook his head. "I know. I understand. You don't need to get all cocky and rude just because I don't know all the ins and outs of your crazy and messed up plot," he told the other man.

The salmon haired man shook his head as well. "You shouldn't be doubting me, however. I still controll your salary and I still can tell you that everything is going to be fine in the end. Don't get so snappy over everything," he said to the blonde man. "But that's not all that important right now. Did you kill the woman that I requested you to kill?"

The blonde man nodded. "Of course I did. I'm an assassin, and a good one at that. I've never failed a job. I got in and out of her house and stabbed her in the neck before anybody suspected a thing. At this point in time, she should be lying on the ground of her house, if a wind blew her body over, her bed if not, rotting into nothingness. Soon, it'll be like she never existed in the first place and everything will be perfectly fine for whatever plan that you have hiding up that sleeve of yours."

"I assume that I know what you're going to say next," the salmon haired man commented. He was suspecting that the other man was going to ask about what plan he had been developing for quite some time.

Sure enough, he was right. The blonde man crossed his arms and glared at the man before him. "Then you know that I'm going to ask what in the world you've been plotting. You keep on telling everybody that it's going to be fine since you have everything planned out in some way or another, but you never tell a soul what this plan of yours is. I just killed somebody for you. At the very least, I deserve to know what you're intending to do abut those bratty little children."

The salmon haired man pondered this for a moment. It could be potentially risky to tell this man about the plot too soon. If the blonde man ended up angered with him, he would quit and release all of this information to the public. Then, the salmon haired man would never be able to rebuild Targent. The loss of the former leader, Leon Bronev, had been large enough. Targent likely couldn't take another hit like losing a member and information going public.

Even so, the blonde man wasn't a rebel. He would still follow whatever he was instructed to do. The salmon haired man figured that there couldn't be too much harm in revealing the plot that he had concocted between the previous year and now. Ever since the Psylias case, then he had been planning and thinking and scheming of what he could do to break the group of mystery solvers apart, and his plan for the next year was going to ultimately shatter the group both emotionally and physically, which was fine by the salmon haired man.

He smirked. "Alright. Here's the thing. I'm going to kill all of those children with your help. Your victim from an hour or two ago as well as a pair of your victims from thirteen years ago are ultimately going to break them apart once and for all, and once they're divided and weakened, we can swoop in and murder them so that Targent may reign," he said to the blonde man.

The blonde man laughed and shook his head. "That plan does sound rather nice. The killing part sounds especially fun. I hope that you assign me to do a few or all of them in. However, I still have one question for you... Which two victims from thirteen years ago are you even talking about? I killed a lot of people for you and for Bronev that year. It's hard to keep them all straight, I'll have you know," he told the other man.

The slamon haired man smirked and pulled out a piece of paper. He grabbed a pen from the desk he was sitting at and began to scribble furiously on the paper. He wrote down two names, six words so that their full names were written, before sliding it across the desk to the other man. "These two. After you killed them, then I had their bodies taken in by a few other agents. Currently, they're hidden in an area where we hide bodies and cool them so they can be used later on. Those two bodies as well as the one you killed earlier today are going to be used to split the group apart. I have agents going in right now to fetch the corpse so that we can use it next year."

The blonde man smirked. "This is sounding rather fun, I'll have you know. Breaking teenagers emotionally and then killing them... I haven't heard something so entertaining in years. Not since I was with my late wife. I can't wait for this to all come to pass. It will be quite the day when it all comes to fruition and everything... Everything goes according to plan."

The salmon haired man laughed loudly and held his head in his manic laughter. The blonde man joined in not long after. It all felt rather nice, just sitting there, plotting evil schemes...

But the truly nice part had yet to happen, and neither one could wait.


C O N U N D R U M O F T H E V A N I S H I N G : B O O K T W O


Keepers of Conundrum (complete)
Conundrum of the Vanishing (complete)
Conundrum's Downfall (coming soon)

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