Chapter Twenty Three

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His job was to kill.

That was what his job had always been. In the grand scheme of things, his main job, his only job other than merely being supportive, was to kill people who got in the way of the plots and plans devised by his overly large and complex company.

He pulled out a small key ring. He flicked through the keys until he found it. The key to this house was the one that he needed. He had owned this key long before he had been asked to be the assassin of his company, so the key was showing wear. It was slightly rusted and it didn't shine as much as it used to in the setting sunlight in the town of Psylias.

The door slid open easily after he inserted his key into the lock. The hinges screeched and whined as he opened the door. He hoped that the sound wasn't enough to alert his target that he was here.

The man walked up the stairs of the house and into the master bedroom on the top floor. He had been in here once. It had been about a year since he had last laid in this bed. The bed was less dusty when he last saw it, though. Perhaps the other one who had been lying here had gone into a phase of not sleeping. That made sense. After all, he had brutally betrayed the other person who slept in that very same bed.

The mere thought of the betrayal brought a smile to the man's face. He didn't care that it sounded terrible and rude. He just wanted to get this job all over with and finished so he could go back to relaxing.

The man walked into the bathroom. He could hear crying coming from the closet attached to the bathroom. He knew that there his target was. The target that he had to eliminate was the one right on the other side of that door.

The man opened the door to the closet off the bathroom. The crying stopped as the door creaked open. A woman stared up from her place on the ground and met his eyes. Her eyes were bright red and puffy from crying. Her cheeks were also red. As was her nose. "You're... Are you really back?" The woman's voice was shaking from fear and happiness at the same time. Well, it could have easily been one or the other, but the man couldn't really tell. He really wasn't a person to try and understand the emotions of others. He hated trying to understand others. Why try to understand others when you could just as easily, if not more easily, understand yourself without having to interact with others?

"I am back," the man replied with a smile. "I realized how wrong I was to leave you. I came back to see if you would take me once again. I hope that you'll accept me... I've been worrying for so long that you were going to deny me since I left in the first place."

The woman shook her head. "No. Of course not. I'm perfectly happy to be with you. I'm so happy that you're back. The fact that you've returned is the important thing," the woman said. "Come along. Let's go out into the bedroom."

She led the man out into the bedroom. The man clenched one hand into a fist. There was a knife tucked up one of his sleeves that threatened to spill out from its sneaky hiding place. If it fell out, then his plot would be exposed and everything would be over.

The woman pulled off her jacket with a smile. "It gets rather... Steamy when in the closet, you know," she said. "I've been in there for quite some time, I must say. Who would have guessed that I've been hiding in there ever since you left me?"

"Surely not me," the man smirked. "Now... What should we do as a reunion celebration?"

The woman shrugged lightly. Her expression was one of shyness. She had always been the shy type. In his nineteen years with this woman, he had learned that she was one who rarely every spoke her mind. She was quiet and preferred to stay quiet.

"I think I have an idea," the man said. "I don't know if you'll like it, though... I hope you will. I've been planning it for quite some time."

"What is it? I'm sure that it'll be fine with me," the woman smiled.

The man pulled out the knife in the blink of an eye and stabbed it into her neck. The woman cried out in shock and went limp as she fell backwards onto the bed. She was crying when she met the man's eyes once again. "You... Betrayed me..." the woman managed to choke out.

The man laughed. "I can't believe you actually thought I wanted you back. You're a little piece of crap and you deserve to know it as you die."

The body of the woman went limp not long after. The man stood up and went into the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror. He hadn't gotten blood on his suit. That was good. He was so used to killing people by now that he knew how to avoid blood splatter getting on his body. He was thankful for that, especially after he finished killing somebody.

The man walked out of the house not long after. Nobody would notice that she was dead for a while. In the town of Psylias, nobody interacted with the woman. Not even her own child did. It was a bit of a curse that she had endured over the years.

"And I'd call that a job done," the man whispered as he got into his car. He began to drive and made his way out of the city of Psylias. Thank God he was leaving. He hated that town from the very moment that he entered it, and now, he could finally leave it behind for good.


One more update today aaaaaaaaaaa


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