Chapter Twenty Two

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Piecing together the puzzle was way easier for Byrne than it had been during the Psylias case. This time around, they at least had criminal confessions to back up their claims as opposed to just thought that the psychics were these people and weren't these other people.

After Misa cued everybody to start everything off, Landry nodded. "Well, in a nutshell, my parents wanted money and were bribed into it by some creepy men. Said men had large sums of money. We're not going to question how they got said amounts of money, as the important thing is that they just had it," Landry declared.

"The deal for the money was that in exchange for the large amounts of money, your parents had to summon all of us into the city so that we could be killed by the criminals behind this mess. I wish I could see those stupid brats who told them to bring us in here now... God, I would screw their heads off and rearrange their kneecaps before they did anything stupid to hurt us," Chloe declared. Jean flinched at hearing her say this. He scooted away slightly and looked away from Chloe, not a huge fan of the threatening coming out of his friend's mouth.

"Anyways, these men who summoned us here must have been from Targent," Caj whispered. "Nobody else would want all of us here. Targent is probably really unhappy since some of us played a part in unraveling their mystery back in Psylias a year ago. They no doubt wanted to get rid of us so that we wouldn't interfere with their future plans in getting their hands on the technology of the ancient Azran civilization."

"Yeah. That sounds pretty reasonable," Lucy agreed with a nod.

"Moving right along, those guys succeeded in convincing the parents of Landry to drag us in here," Casey said. "However... They didn't really succeed in the killing us part."

"Even if they haven't killed us yet, they at least got to the Dohim siblings, otherwise known as the psychics behind the Pyslias mystery. The three of them can communicate whenever no matter the distance, so they could easily spread some information regarding the case at the speed of light. Targent couldn't have them spreading information so quickly, so they knocked them out of the picture by messing with the Azran technology that they've been hooked up to," Lucy went on.

"I fixed everything back at the lighthouse, so hopefully things will look up soon," Caj whispered. She leaned over onto Talia and closed her eyes. "I hope that they wake up... They didn't ask to be knocked out so suddenly just because of their involvement in the Pyslias case... They just wanted to help people..."

"Everything should be okay," Sofia said. "Well, next off, we all got here. Well, not here exactly, but the island of Bohimika."

"We found out when we arrived that all of the people there are pretty much hiding out in their homes and pretty much refuse to leave for any reason. Soon, I decided to be the nosy reporter that I am and snooped into the business of one of the townspeople, a woman, and found out that the Bennett couple told everybody in the city that we were coming before we arrived and that we were out to hurt everybody," Scarlet declared.

"Yeah. Before we arrived, my parents told all of the citizens of the town that the mysterious men were here to protect them from us," Landry told the group. "I swear, as if I couldn't hate them enough... Of course they found a way to make their own 'daughter dearest' despise them even more than ever before."

"Soon, we figured out that something was going on and began to see that the Bennett parents are actually on the side of the mysterious men. We hid it for a while, a day to be exact, and during that day..." Theo's voice trailed off into silence.

"During that day, a few Targent agents broke into the hospital on the neighboring island and kidnapped the Dohim siblings. They dragged them back here, where they were hidden in the lighthouse. This was probably meant to be some sort of distraction to keep us away from discovering the truth. They wouldn't do something like this if there wasn't some ulterior motive like that involved in the decision as well," Byrne declared. He remembered finding out that the Dohim siblings had been kidnapped. He shook off the thought. He didn't need or want to relive something like that ever again. Life was too short to be thinking of things that made him unhappy such as the recollection of his moment on the docks waiting for the boat to take him to the hospital on the neighboring island.

"We split up the following day, a few of us going to look into the lighthouse, which we had deduced was their base of operations. There, the Dohim siblings and a small amount of Azran technology were found. Caj messed with the technology so everything ended up going back to normal and we took the Dohim siblings with us. After that, we left the lighthouse and met up with the other group," Casey declared.

"We were talking with the Bennett parents, where we got a confession out of the Bennett couple. They told us that they did lure us in for money in their laughter filled confession," Alex continued. "That pretty much brings us up to this point in time."

"I just wonder why they didn't end up killing us like they were planning," Caj murmured.

"The agents of Targent are planning something bigger. They've been plotting this from the beginning. I know it," Byrne whispered breathlessly. "We just need to figure out what that plan is so that we can stop them before they do anything else to harm people."

Talia laughed bitterly. "Oh please. They're going to harm people whether we like it or not."

Byrne sighed. "You're right."


Alright this book is almost done I'm so exCITED


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