Chapter Four

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The garden of the town hall was filled to the max with all sorts of people who looked more than a bit strange. Foliis couldn't help but stare at all of the weirdos who surrounded her on all sides.

The first person that she decided to talk to was somebody familiar, something which made Foliis gasp. The dark hair of Quinton Trancey was unmistakable. His blue eyes and that blue sleeveless jacket were the same as they always had been. He had a white scarf on, which was nothing new. He had black shirts, pants, and combat boots on, something Foliis remembered from when they worked together to solve the mystery behind the egg of dreams. Foliis had also seen this outfit many times when seeing him on campus at Gressenheller. They went to the same college, after all.

"I didn't expect to see you here of all people, Trancey," commented Foliis, walking up to Quinton. "I thought that only sophisticated detectives were sent to these sorts of things."

"So you and your ragtag group is made of sophisticated detectives?" Quinton asked, frowning with a raised eyebrow. "Totally. Yeah. I'm going to believe that when pigs fly."

"Now that I know that we're here working with a complete stuck up jerk, I'm considering hopping on that boat again and turning around so I don't have to deal with you," Foliis said, glaring at him.

"Yeah. You do that. I'll be the one to ultimately solve this mystery if. You do. Just wait and see," Quinton smirked.

"Not going to happen, hot shot," Foliis told him. "I'm not getting onto that boat until I prove to you that I'm much more qualified to solve this mystery than you could ever even hope to be, Trancey."

"Better start calling me Quinton if we're really going to be in this for so long," Quinton said, smirking. If he could convince Foliis to call him by his first name, that in and of itself would be quite the victory. Who even cared if he solved the mystery or not if he could get Foliis to do that?

"I'm going to look around for other people now," Foliis told him before walking away.

The next person Foliis saw was another familiar face. She figured that she'd be seeing a lot of those. Foliis watched as Toya Oswald came into view.

Toya's purple hair was tied into a ponytail as usual. A pink baseball hat was on her head, making her look as sporty as always. She wore a pink tank top with matching shorts and tennis shoes. Her eyes were blue, brighter than Quinton's in Foliis' opinion. She didn't like Quinton as much as she liked Toya, so her eyes seemed a bit brighter, more akin to the sky than the faded color she saw in Quinton's irises.

Foliis didn't approach Toya. There was work to be done and she had already wasted a bunch of her small talk time on Quinton and his excessive bragging.

Foliis next saw Misa Lawliet, Quinton's girlfriend. She didn't know how the two could be together even though they were so close. Their personalities seemed to be polar opposites. Pink eyed, white haired Misa was much quieter and more passive than Quinton. Her hair was tied into a bun, two braids framing her face. A red bow was in her hair, matching the red cloak that hung from her shouldrs. A black scarf was on over the cloak and her pink dress that matched her pink slip on ballet flats. She smiled and waved to Foliis upon spotting her but didn't come over, which Foliis was thankful for.

A boy with dark blonde hair stood nearby. His hair was shaven everywhere that wasn't the right side of his head. He had brown eyes and wore a suit of armor along with a sword strapped to his back. Foliis recognized him as Valentine Pasquale. Even if he had regained his memory, he had still stuck to wearing such a ridiculous outfit. Foliis made a mental note to beg him to change into something a little less formal. Formal wasn't even the best word. It was a blast to the past, in all truth. He stuck out like a sore thumb wearing something as wild as that.

Foliis also passed up talking to him and walked on to see another familiar face. Like she had expected, many familiar faces were appearing. Foliis looked up and down Talia McCain, a small frown on her lips. Talia had never been her cup of tea, to say the least.

Talia's dark green hair was a bob that reached her the top of her shoulders. Her glasses were red and framed her hazel eyes. She wore a sailor type outfit with red highlights. The shirt was white for the most part with red parts, while the skirt was the opposite with red as the prominent color. She had black ballet flats on her feet similar to those that Misa had been wearing.

Foliis watched as Caj walked up to Talia and they launched into a conversation. Now that was an unlikely pair. Caj was shy and Talia was even more so. She shrugged it off and let the concept go. If she thought too much into what Talia did, especially with somebody as weird as Caj, she knew that she'd lose at least a few brain cells.

Foliis looked to yet another person. There were all sorts of people left, but she didn't mind. Right then, she was focused on Sofia Fleet, the older sister to Faith's boyfriend, Roman. Sofia had red hair in a bob and freckles. She had an olive green dress, the same color as her eyes. She had a salmon pink and white tie over her dress. Her socks were a dark green under her black shoes. Foliis looked away with a sigh. She hoped that she'd find somebody she could call a close friend soon, because none of these people fit the bill at all.


1) landry's parents need to not

2) i think i might hold off the next chapter until later this week so i can get the appearances for the other characters

I need roman, minori, chloe, jean, and i think theo????? I already have kurisu and alex so i just need those five

yeah that sounds right

so yes wait for one more day before i can get those appearances and finish up a new update woo

should i get this stuff before tomorrow i should be good


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