Chapter Five

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The next person Foliis laid eyes on was one she wasn't familiar with. The girl had blonde hair tied into a bun and blue eyes the color of the sky. She wore all black with a few chains hanging off of her outfit. She looked almost as emo and edgy and distant as Landry.

"That's Chloe."

Foliis jumped and turned to face Byrne as he walked up. "I went and talked to most of the people we don't already know. She was pretty rude to me, but I forced a name out of her with enough persuasion," Byrne told Foliis.

"What others did you talk to?" Foliis asked. "You said most. I might as well learn their names and faces from you instead of talking to them. Human contact is genereally frowned upon through my eyes, something I'm sure you know really well."

Byrne let out a laugh. "Anybody who knows you knows really well that you're not the most social person to ever exist," he commented, letting out a small smile. "Anyways, which person do you want to learn the name of next? I'm sure that you want to know who at least some of these people are since we'll be working with them for at least a few days."

"First off, we have Jean, who I'm pretty sure is Chloe's much quieter and much nicer sidekick," Byrne said. He pointed to a boy with brown hair and eyes. He wore the same black outfit dripping with chains that Chloe wore. The sidekick thing was strikingly obvious when you saw how similar their outfits were, Foliis had to say.

"Now, let's move on to Theo," Byrne went on. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, not unlike Byrne, except his hair was considerably shorter. He wore a purple overcoat with a white shirt and navy trousers. His shoes were black and shiny.

"What's his deal? He looks all stuck up and snooty. Even more stuck up than you looked back whenever we first met," Foliis muttered, shaking her head.

"I guess that's just how he is," shrugged Byrne. "He's not that bad when you talk to him, though. He looks like he's all fancy, but he's pretty nice just so long as you don't say anything to insult him, but that's how most people are, if I recall correctly. I'm stuck indoors a lot when I'm around you, after all, since you never go outside."

"What can I say? Outside, there's bugs and snakes and other creepy things," Foliis said, a shiver running down her spine.

"If I recall correctly, we called you a snake at one point in time," Byrne said with a small smirk. This earned him a small slap from the back of Foliis' hand. Byrne let out a laugh, as if to show that he wasn't fazed by Foliis' playful violence. Foliis huffed at this, pointing to the next person, prompting Byrne to introduce yet another new person that she hadn't yet met in her mystery solving careers.

"I'm pretty sure that you remember Roman," Byrne said, pointing to another boy. He had red hair covering his left eye. His eyes were red. He wore a purple hoodie with jeans. Roman, Sofia's little brother, was talking with Faith. The two had begun dating after the mystery deal involving the Egg of Dreams, which was a long and complicated story Foliis chose not to get into.

"Yeah. Of course. How could I forget him? He never leaves Faith alone no matter how hard I try to scare him away," Foliis said with a sigh. "It's pretty annoying that he won't buzz off and leave me alone once and for all. Leave me and Faith alone. It's so irritating."

"Let's move right along," said Byrne. "That's Alex Kyohei."

Foliis followed the finger on Byrne's arm and stared at the boy he was pointing at. His hair was dark brown and his eyes were a dark blue. He wore a white shirt under a blue vest, which was underneath a black jacket. His trousers were black and his shoes were as well. The expression Alex wore was somber and as serious as they get. Foliis let out a sigh. She was no longer the only serious and grouchy one. She didn't like that. At least she didn't think she did. Foliis liked sticking apart from the crowd, which was hard to do when this guy was swooping in and taking over her place as the serious one of the investigative group.

"You can stop glaring at Alex now," Byrne told Foliis, taking her hand with one hand and pointing at another person, this one a girl, with the other.

The girl had yellow hair tied up into a ponytail. A tiny blue top hat was tilted on the top of her head. She wore a blue jacket with matching pants over a lighter blue shirt. A cravat hung from her collar. Her eyes were a deep blue, the same color as the goggles that framed her eyes. They looked to be aviator goggles with the golden segments, but Foliis figured that was just her imagination comparing this girl to a pilot. She seemed much too young to really be a professional pilot. All of them appeared to be that way to her.

"Her name is Kurisu Mikami," said Byrne. "She seems to be rather peppy, I have to say. What a sweetie. Not that she could ever even hope to compare to the wonderfulness that I like to call Foliis Middle Name Dohim."

"Middle Name?" Foliis echoed, her eyebrow raising.

"I don't know your middle name. You never told me," Byrne muttered, looking down in sadness. "You could fix that if you told me what your middle name is, you know..."

Foliis let out a sigh and pointed to the final person she had yet to hear the name of. "Just tell me who that girl is," she told Byrne sternly. "Then we can get this mystery solving business on."


I watched the SVTFOE season finale tonight and may I just say

What complete and total [CENSORED]ery is this


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