Chapter Eight

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"What do you think could have gone wrong? What's even going on?" Toya demanded. "You can't just go on whispering like the rest of us don't exist, you know. We need to work together to solve this mystery whether you all like it or not."

Byrne let out a sigh. "The thing we're talking about is a long story and it doesn't need explaining. It's not relevant at this point in time, so we should ignore it for the time being."

"Basically, these three all have the technology of the Azran, otherwise known as an ancient civilization, inside of them. That being said, something must have happened to the technology that they're hooked up to. This technology must have malfunctioned in some way," Caj declared. "My connection with the Azran people hasn't been as strong since the Psylias incident, so I doubt I'll end up possessed like last time..."

"This is really confusing. I'm pretty sure my head is spinning by now," Valentine whispered.

"Let's let them have their grouchy little quiet moment. I don't want to deal with these guys and their stupid secrets right now. We have bigger things to care about," Quinton declared loudly. He let out a sigh, though it was more like an angry huff than a sigh.

"Either way, I don't think that this is going to go over that well," Caj went on, ignoring Quinton's angry comments. "They've been connected to the Azran technology for so long that their brains are connected to it deeply now. If they had only been hooked up to it for maybe a day or two, then maybe they could end up salvaged, but I don't know about that now..."

"What are you talking about?" Byrne demanded, his heart skipping a beat. He was afraid of Caj's wording, something that was strikingly obvious.

"They've been connected to the technology for years. Their brains are deeply linked with the technology thanks to the whole psychic thing where their neck chips connect to their brains and trains of thought," Caj continued, recapping on her previous words. "You see... If their link to the Azran technology remains severed as it is now, they'll remain unconscious forever, or at least until their link to the Azran technology is restored once and for all."

"Wait... So they're just going to stay like this until we can fix their connection to the Azran technology their minds are hooked up to?" Casey asked. "So if we can't fix their minds, they're never going to wake up again!"

Silence covered the room. The only thing Byrne could hear was his heart pounding in his chests. He couldn't believe what Caj was telling him. There was no way that Foliis could remain unconscious forever. They still had so many dates to go on. They had a future ahead of them. The two still needed to share their entire lives together. How could everything just end in the blink of an eye like that because of the technological link that had previously been perfect for them all?

"If you ask me, then there's no way that this incident here on Bohimika and the sudden comatose state of the three siblings are pure coincidence. Whoever is leading this sudden raid on Bohimika also got rid of the others. They were a huge part of solving the case in Psylias, and since the culprit could get away with getting rid of them without resorting to murder, it was rather convenient for them," Scarlet declared.

"This is going to be one sad ending book," whispered Talia. Caj squeezed her hand tighter, as if to calm the green haired girl down and assure her that everything would be alright.

"Now that we've discussed this mess and it sounds like the police are here since there are sirens outside, we should get on with investigating the case," said Lucy. Byrne hadn't even noticed the sirens that were blaring outside. He had been far too wrapped up in his fear for Foliis' safety that he hadn't even noticed.

"Yeah... Let's split up again, I guess," Alex whispered. "Let's just go on and divide into different groups than last time. They're going to be way different sizes and all out of whack since the three Dohim siblings are out of the picture."

"Alex, Kurisu, Chloe, Scarlet, Jean, Theo. Group one. Group two. Misa, Quinton, Casey, Talia, Toya, Valentine. Byrne, myself, Sofia, Roman, Minori, Lucy. Group three. There. Perfect. We're all split up and ready to investigate," Landry said, their voice flat and dry. The way Landry was speaking was reminding Byrne a bit of a desert. It was probably an odd comparison to make, but Byrne didn't mind, nor did he care, at that moment in time. There were more important things than finding Landry to be similar to a desert.

"Who should do what?" Byrne asked, snapping back into reality.

"Alex's group can go into the city and try to get something out of the citizens. Sofia's group can go out to investigate the weird men who showed up all of a sudden. I'll take my group and go talk to the mayor and his wife. Hopefully, they'll actually talk to us and not act like bubbly balls of fluff and cotton candy," Quinton declared. "I swear, if they smile and clasp their hands together anymore than they already do, I'm going to be sick."

"That's my parents for you. Overly peppy with no sense of chill," Landry sighed.

"Let's meet out front in the courtyard leading up here to the town hall after an hour of investigation," suggested Roman. "We can report our findings and everything will be alright. We can also check up on the Dohim siblings."

Byrne let out a sigh and stared at Roman. He was already starting to break down a little inside over this. Poor guy. Byrne walked up to Roman and squeezed his hand gently before walking out in silence. He'd solve this mystery for Roman's sanity.

And Byrne would also solve it for his own.


I'm going to be focusing on TRD and posting one update a day along with this book updated daily until it's finished

Then things will shift to LSG being updated twice a day

After that we have two new books !!!!!! Woo !!!!!!


Professor Layton: Conundrum of the VanishingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin