Chapter Twenty Four

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Foliis, Faith, and Fey all wake up not long after the explanation came to a close. Byrne, Roman, and Minori all embraced Foliis, Faith, and Fey respectively. Many people smiled and grinned as they woke up. Quinton, Chloe, and Landry upheld their stern faces throughout the entire moment, but it didn't really matter to Byrne. He was most concerned with the fact that the three siblings were awake now.

"What's going on?" Foliis asked once Byrne had released her. "Did you guy solve the case already?"

Byrne nodded. "Yeah. We figured out who summoned the weird men into the town and messed with the minds of all of the citizens of the town. It was the Bennett couple. They already confessed and currently, they're locked up in jail, and with any luck, they won't be escaping that place for a long time," Byrne explained. "We should probably all divide for the time being and go back home. If you ask me, then London and all of its dirty alleys are going to be nice to see again. I've had enough time in Bohimika to last a lifetime. No offense intended, of course, Landry."

Landry shrugged. "None taken. I understand how people who aren't used to this place would get sick of Bohimika after being here with all this weird stuff going down. Even I would get kind of tired of it if something like this happened the first time I showed up here in Bohimika," they told Byrne, meeting eyes with him as they spoke.

"Let's just ditch this crazy adventure and go on with our lives. I'd rather move on than think of the fact that the true masterminds are still out there somewhere plotting whatever it is that they've been plotting this whole time," Kurisu said with a sigh. "It scares me to think that somebody might be trying to kill us now... I know that's why this whole thing hpapened, but since it didn't happen, then I'm a bit panicky that something bad is going to happen soon."

Toya nodded. "Yeah. I get it. Anybody would be a little worried. For now, let's head back to London. On the boat back, we can exchange phone numbers so we can text each other if anything happens that we need to tell everybody else about," she suggested.

"Landry isn't coming with us, though. They belong here in their hometown," Alex said, crossing his arms with a frown.

"Even if I belong here, I don't want to stick around. My parents kind of ruined it by becoming criminals and stomping all over our fun," Landry admitted. "I don't know if this city can ever redeem itself in my eyes after this whole mess with my parents and those freaky and irritating men."

"You can come and stay with me, if you want," Caj piped in. "I'm sure that Professor Sycamore wouldn't mind me getting a roommate so I'm not so lonely all the time." Byrne could have sworn that Caj looked at Talia when talking about being lonely, but he brushed it off. It was already obvious Caj and Talia were going to end up together. Byrne figured that there was no real point in dwelling on it any longer.

Landry took about two hours to pack up their stuff, and once they were done, they dragged everybody off to the docks of Bohimika. Byrne saw Landry stare out at their hometown one last time and walked onto the boat once it arrived. Byrne felt bad for them. He understood how it felt to have your hometown completely and utterly ruined by a case. It had sort of happened with him once the Pyslias mystery came to a close.

The phone number exchanging took up most of the boat ride. Around three fifths of the ride was contributed to the exchange. Once it all finished up, then Byrne decided to move away from the group. He had a little bit of thinking to do away from his friends.

Byrne took a seat on the upper floor of the boat. Barely anybody was up there. He was thankful for that. After being surrounded by all of those teenagers for a day or two, he could use a little bit of space that didn't involve a city in which he could be murdered.

Byrne sat down in a seat near the edge of the boat. He watched the waves roll by. He was worried about what Targent might be planning that he didn't know about. What if it was something that would end up killing him and his friends? If so, they would be fulfilling their promise. Said promise worried him. Since it didn't come to fruition, then he knew that something else was going to be coming soon. They just had to say light on their feet until the threat had passed permanently.

They needed to take down the head of Targent so that this mess could come to a close. He didn't want to end up in danger for the rest of his life. He had things to do that would be infinitely more difficult with people trying to kill him every five seconds. Everybody knew that it would be super stressful when trying to save your life as well as live your life. It was sort of common knowledge at this point when it seemed like all sorts of people were involved in some deep stuff that could be harmful.

Byrne sighed and shook his head. That didn't seem to matter at this moment in time. At that point in time, then there was one thing that Byrne could be happy about. The future held Targent agents trying to kill him, but at that moment, sitting on the boat and staring out at the edge of the water where it disappeared over the horizon, he was concerned with one thing and only one thing.

The conundrum of the vanishing had been solved. That was the most important thing right then.


Only two more updates and updates will end for the night

I'm so excited for the new books this week

This trilogy is going to end in about three and a half weeks and also two new books are going to start

I'm so excited aaaaaaaaaaaaa


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