Chapter Twenty

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Reina and Randall laughed madly. Misa stared at them for a few seconds, her gaze slowly transitioning into a glare. "Why don't you just confess the truth already? Laughing won't do you any good and you know it," Alex said as Misa glared as hard as she could. Her glare wasn't something to fear, however, since Misa was the delicate type, so Alex had to take over as the terrifying one.

"I suppose that we have no choice," Reina shrugged. "It's true! We brought in all of the men because we were being paid! We would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you nosy kids! Do you have any idea what we were going to do once this all ended?! We would have been living on easy street with that kind of money!"

"Why were they paying you? Who are they?" Sofia asked, her gaze going harsh as well. "Go on and tell us already!"

"It was a criminal organization known as Targent. They wanted us to lure you all in so that they could take over and do what they were planning on pulling off all along," Randall said next, a smirk similar to that of a Cheshire Cat on his lips.

"Stop avoiding everything and just answer the question," said Valentine. He was in no way happy with these people, and it was showing.

"They were going to do you all in once and for all. You all have been quite the burden to Targent, something for which you will pay for with your lives!" Reina cried out.

"You did all of this because you were being paid, in a nutshell. You told your town citizens to fear us in hopes that they would hide your plans from us, but that didn't turn out as anticipated. Targent wants to kill us so we aren't too much of a burden to their plots in the future, but since we would know it if they were luring us into a trap, they had you all bring us in under the lie that we were going to be solving a mystery, but it was all so that you two would receive your full pay," whispered Kurisu. "You're monsters! I don't understand how anybody could be so terrible! You were already awful by denying your child any hope of being accepted, but this is just crossing the line!"

Valentine pulled out a few pairs of handcuffs from his pockets. "You are going to pay for your crimes instead of being paid for committing a crime," he said. He tossed one pair to Sofia and one to Toya. The two both walked up to Reina and Randall.

The pair of purple wearing criminals struggled as the two girls tried to handcuff them. Reina was soon cuffed by Toya, who screamed in anger that she had been caught. Sofia got Randall into his handcuffs not long after. The man struggled against her grasp, but he was unable to escape. Sofia smirked pridefully and whispered into Randall's ear. "You had better be ready for jail," she said before dragging him out of the room.

"How are they going to end up in jail, though?" Jean asked quietly. "There's nobody on the island to watch after them once they end up inside of a cell..."

"Even if that's the case, I'm sure that the people on the neighboring island would be glad to take them in. They committed a crime that put them as an accomplice to the kidnapping case, at least I'm pretty sure of it, and since the kidnapping took place on that neighboring island with the odd name, I'm sure that the police will happily accept them into the prison," Theo said.

"I don't understand any of what you just said," Chloe scoffed. "You could have made this much easier by just saying that the police would accept them, you know. Plus, we wouldn't have had to listen to your stupid voice go on and on and on and on and on and-"

"Are you done?" Alex asked Chloe, glaring at her. "We have other things to deal with now that this is over."

"Such as...?" Chloe asked. She glared at Alex in return, unhappy that she had been interrupted by somebody she found to be on a lower status than she.

Sofia's phone beeped before Alex had a moment to think up a reply. She checked it and let out a small gasp before looking up at the group. "We have to go to the hospital on the neighboring island. Roman just said that the three Dohim siblings were found in the lighthouse and should be waking up soon. At least... He hopes that they'll be awake soon," Sofia said, her voice going quiet as she spoke her last sentence.

"Then let's get going. We have to get going and see them," Kurisu said.

"We can take these guys over to the next island while we're at it," declared Toya. She yanked Reina along and walked out the door, dragging the dark haired woman after her. Reina growled at Toya as they walked, but Toya didn't take any notice of what the woman was doing. That seemed like Toya in Misa's opinion, but she didn't speak a word of it aloud.

"Come on. Time to go and finish this whole mess up," said Alex loudly, leading the group away from the house and out to the docks outside the boundaries of the city.


"They're gone. What are we supposed to do now, Swift?"

"Nothing. Stay where you are. Everything will be fine. I promise. I have everything figured out. Be patient."

"They have the Bennett couple as well."

"Once again, everything will be okay. Stop freaking out. Within the next year, we won't have to worry about this group ever again and all will be fine."

"So you're going to kill them?"

"Not only that... I'll kill them like you just said and they'll be ripped apart... Permanently."


I love it when writer's block smacks me in the face don't you


Professor Layton: Conundrum of the VanishingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz