Chapter Nineteen

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Byrne ran to Foliis' side as fast as he could. He crouched down next to her and wrapped his arms around her sleeping body. Byrne pulled Foliis in a little bit closer. "Thank God... You're still okay..." Byrne whispered, even though he knew well that Foliis couldn't hear a word that he was saying. He didn't care. He was far too relieved that she was still alive to even think of simple logic such as that.

Minori hugged Fey with a small smile. She didn't say anything, but Byrne knew what she was thinking. She was glad that Fey was okay since she had a little bit of a crush on them. Byrne was happy for her to have found somebody to care for, even if he and Minori weren't all that well acquainted.

Roman hugged Faith and kissed her on the forehead. "There's my pretty girl," he whispered to Faith with a smile. "My absolutely gorgeous girl..."

Quinton walked over to Minori and pulled her away from Fey gently. He picked the unconscious Fey up and walked for the door. "We can't all stick around here. Some of us need to take these guys out off here," Quinton declared.

"Byrne, Quinton, and Roman need to take these three out. The rest of us will stick around here," Landry instructed. They sounded a bit like a stern parent with the way that they were speaking to the others. "We need to look around a little bit more before leaving. There are bound to be more clues around here and this might be our only chance to look around without being caught by the weird men."

Quinton, Roman, and Byrne all left, carrying the three unconscious Dohim siblings. Landry pointed nearby to a small paper that sat on the floor. "What's that?" Landry asked.

Caj walked over to it and picked up the paper. "It says here that these men used a piece of Azran technology to keep Foliis, Faith, and Fey out of the picture," Caj declared. She handed the note to Landry, who stuffed it into their pocket. "They must have used some sort of technology that can be found within this very building to do it. I doubt that one of them would go all the way to Psylias where the psychic technology is to keep them from investigating the case."

"Let's check the floor above this one. They're probably keeping it nearby where these three were," Landry said. They walked out of the room and ensured that everybody was out before shutting the door behind them. Landry knew for sure that nobody would like being stuck in that room for extended periods of time. It could result in death, after all, which didn't exactly sound pleasant to Landry.

The group walked up the stairs to the next floor. There was yet another door at the top of these stairs, but it took next to no time for Casey to crack the code. This one was different from the one that they had found on the third floor. The code this time was Swift. Since Swift was the name of the leader of Targent, it all seemed to make sense to Landry. Well, it sort of did. Landry was extremely confused about this whole deal since they weren't present for the Psylias case, so they did their best to try and understand what was going on without ending up becoming too lost in the translation of the whole mess.

The room inside was filled with a large machine. The machine was covered in all sorts of lights that were illuminated. Caj walked up to the technology and placed a hand on it. "This technology was used to short circuit their mental chips," Caj whispered. "They likely figured out how to do it after finding the large amount of technology in Psylias."

"Then how do we fix it so that they all go back to normal?" Lucy asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

Caj closed her eyes. A small glow was emitted from her hand as she placed it on a single red light on the machine. The light slowly grew more and more intense. Eventually, it reached the point that Landry had to look away since the light was becoming too much for their eyes to handle. It was blinding to look at for too long.

Caj's hand soon stopped glowing. When she took her hand away from where it sat on the machine, showing that the light that had previously been red was now a light green color. "I hope that was enough..." she whispered. "I was trying to fix it, but I'm not all that sure of it really worked... You can never be sure unless you're being possessed by somebody from the Azran civilization, but since I wasn't... We'll just have to hope for the best and pray that it works."

"I think that this is the most that we can do for now. Let's head out of the lighthouse and figure out what else we can figure out from the others. Hopefully, they'll have squeezed some sort of information out of my parents by now," Landry said.

The group shut the door and made their way downstairs. Everything was just as it had been the first time when they had investigated it, so Landry saw nothing of interest. Nothing was too out of the ordinary...

...At least that's what Landry thought until they saw the note lying on the floor.

Landry crouched down as the others left the lighthouse. They picked up the note and stared at it. Everything was fuzzy and blurred on the paper. The note was old and weathered, that was for sure. Landry could only make out a few words on the surface of the note, which they read over and over until the words stopped seeming like words:

Erin... Died... Toda... Br...nn... will... soo... The... time is... com... n...

Landry shrugged it off and tucked the note away. They could look into it more later.


Another update woo

Also the next book in the series is up and it'll begin on Sunday woo


Professor Layton: Conundrum of the VanishingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon