Meeting josh and tyler

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Brendon's POV
It's been two days and Brenda has been so hungry. she wrote down that she couldn't say anything other than her name and that broke my heart so I called Tyler and josh. "Hey ty,JJ can you come over I have a problem." "Sure what is it?" I looked sad even though they couldn't see me "I met this girl on the street and she said she can't say anything but her name and I'm thinking of taking her in but I need you guys to help me teach her words." "Were coming right now" in less than 20 minutes they were here "what's her name how old is she?" Josh asked concerned "she's 7 and her name is Brenda" we almost have the same name it's kinda cute. I wanna take this child in she just adorable "me and josh can help her we just need to see her" I called her from her bunk. "hey I'm gonna teach you how to talk ok?" She nodded and sat down and they had a long lesson and in less then 10 minutes Brenda came to me and said "I wove you and tank you so much daddy" I smiled and started crying I can't believe she called me daddy "I'm sworry did I make oou cry?" "These are happy tears baby girl I'm happy" I said happily I couldn't believe she could talk now
Brenda's POV
I love this man he is like my daddy to me he is so nice  " thank you so much tyler and josh you 2 are my best friends" I heard daddy say "hewwow daddy" I sad he looked at me in shock and said "do you want me to be your dad?"  I looked at him happily "yea yea yea I do I do!!" I jumped up and down and he laughed " ok princess I'll be your dad" I went to sleep as he layed down with me. I love this already

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