Meeting uncle G

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Brenda's POV
I was walking down the stairs to find my daddy being punched in the face. I started panicking but I didn't know what to do. So I went up to the dude."LET GO OF MY DADDY" I screamed trying to sound traumatizing. He scolded me and threw me to the ground. By this time my daddy was dead. Then he pulled out a gun and then BANG
AHHHHHHH DADDY NOOOOO" I woke up sweaty with tears down my eyes. I started crying. Daddy came into my room and got in the bed next to me. "What's wrong pumpkin did you have a bad dream?" I slowly nodded and hugged him tight. "We have to meet somebody tomorrow" daddy told me as he started to get out of the bed until I grabbed his arm "daddy may you stay with me tonight please?" "Of course,always princess, always." He climes in the bed next to me and I drifted off to sleep.
Brendon's POV
I woke up next to my baby and I smiled at how peaceful she was. Today was the day she was gonna meet G Eazy aka uncle G. When G came she was just waking up. Perfect timing! "Hey G" "hey B how's your kid what's her name again?" "Brenda" he nodded and they talked to a long time. I could see their getting along.
I love this little girl so much now. She's so unique. She told me everything about herself and her sad past her parents should've been ashamed to do this stuff to her. "Hey Brenda wanna snuggie?" She nodded her head sleepily and rested her body on me as she fell asleep. "I love you" I whispered to her before I went to sleep.

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