Perfect family?

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Brenda's POV
Pete was all that was on my mind today. But I know he's only my uncle but I may like him. But more than that. "Hey baby wanna come with me to the studio?" Dad asked. I nodded and walked with him. His studio is awesome. It's called urieletric. "So talk to me what's on your mind?" I let out a sigh and told him everything about Pete. "Ok" "but your 12 and he's your uncle." He claimed. "But when you first turned 12 I did kinda like you"
Brendons POV
That was hard to admit. Especially in front of my daughter. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Dad you know I had a crush on you my whole life" she said. Oh my god. I hugged her back and kissed her head. I'm so happy she's mine. "Hey babe" Angela called. "Hey" I kissed her. I have the perfect family. Nothing's gonna happen. Or so I thought............

My princess(adopted by Brendon urie)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora