Just Some Writing :/

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Tbh I think this is my best work UwU

Hi my name is Ash. I have long black hair and red eyes. Yes they are real!!!!! Anyway I live with my dad but hes a drunk and I hate him!!!!! Anyway one day I woke up and put on a black longsleeve crop top with black skinny jeans and bright red lipstick with lots of black eyeliner because I like to dress simple and not be noticed. Anyway when I went to school a guy hit on me but I told him to fuck off because I'm not like other girls. Then I skipped class because I don't care and I'm not going anywhere in life anyway. Anyway I decided just to skip school and when I did I went to the empty warehouse like I always did because I knew nobody was there. Anyway when I was there I saw a cute guy but I wasn't going to fall for him because I'm not like other girls. Anyway I said what are you doing here shouldn't you be in school and he turned around and said Ash your special. And I said what are you talking about and he said your destiny is to be a hunter. We hunt monsters. So anyway he took me to a special training place where I didn't have to see my dad and we trained until we got ready to fight monsters. Oh and he told me that I am actually a princess but I told him that I didn't care and we kissed.

The end.

This is a joke.

Anyhow I got like five new funko pops this week wanna see tomorrow? I got Garnet, Sirius Black, Marceline, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Mercury.

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