The "Nothing Was Real" Theory

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So a of you probably know what I'm talking about already, but if you don't, I'm talking about the theory that literally every show/movie has where none of it was real. It's either someone's imagination or a story someone's telling and nine out of ten times the theory works.

So I know it's been a while since I've posted a theory, but let's dissect Steven Universe!

My underlying basis is that Steven is a very imaginative child who makes up stories about his mother who passed away in childbirth to try to feel close to her or justify her death. Greg, being financially unstable, placed Steven in the custody of three of Rose's closest friends so Steven can grow up being cared for. Steven's homeschooled and his extremely overactive imagination makes it hard for him to make friends, which is why Connie is his only friend.

The Crystal gems have had such an impact on his life that he imagines them as magical beings with magic powers. Amethyst's ability to shapeshift comes from the fact that she's flexible and fun and willing to work harder to level with Steven. Pearl's ability to project comes from the fact that she goes into extreme detail when teaching Steven. And Garnet being a fusion is actually because she tends to act like two very different people at times.

The Gems are therapists, and the gem "monsters" they fight are actually just some of their severe patients who they need to "bubble", or treat with medication.

Homeworld is actually child protective services, and they're trying to get Steven out of the Gems' custody as well as shut down their therapy practice for being unorthodox. Everything Steven experiences in space is actually just happening outside of where he's used to. The zoomans are actually patients who have been treated with an experimental drug to relieve the symptoms of their illnesses. The off colors are actually orphans who've escaped their foster home and stopped taking their medication.

Now here's where we get into Pink Diamond. She was the youngest sister of the Diamonds, who in addition to working for Child Protective Services own their own therapy practice and pharmaceutical company. After Rose quit her job to start her own practice, Pink died, and the blame was placed on Rose Quartz's method and medication.

Feel free to discuss it in the comments if you think anything is too far fetched or needs more explanation.

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