Anniversary Month!!!

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Guys, June is my Wattpad anniversary month! This month I'll be celebrating FOUR. WHOLE. YEARS. of Wattpad! Thank you guys so much for sticking around! Is there anything you guys want me to do for my anniversary, maybe a contest or something? Let me know!

Also here's a reminder that @AuthorSealia is The Love Of My Life and the reason I have Wattpad at all! Love you guys!

Oh, also, I wrote a play that's getting performed at my school in two weeks!! I get to play the lead!! It's about a woman named Margaret who, after dying, relives the last three months of her life and examines her relationship with her husband, children, best friend, and sister(and her husband). She relives her best friend moving to Michigan, her husband cheating on her with her sister, and her troubles with being a good mother up until she relives the night she shoots her husband and herself! I'm very excited but also spend more time on my phone than I do learning my lines, hehe. 😂

Anyhow, thank you all so much for four amazing years. Writing on Wattpad makes me feel like I have a purpose, and it's all thanks to you.

Thank you!

Love, Genesis!


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