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This is probably the most important thing I will ever post on here.

On Thursday, the FCC will vote whether or not to repeal Net Neutrality. If they repeal it, I will not be able to post anymore.

What is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality is a protection of our internet as we know it. We're free to use any website we want no matter what internet service provider(ISP) we have.

What would repealing it do?

Let's say that Net Neutrality gets repealed and you have ISP A. They get to control where you can and can't go by slowing down or blocking websites owned by ISP B. This means that if ISP A owned Netflix and ISP B owned Hulu, ISP A could Block you from watching Hulu.

What does this mean for my access?

Let's say your basic internet package on it's own is $70 dollars a month. This will give you whatever search engine and websites owned by your ISP. Then, you can buy packages. $5 more for social media. $7 more for streaming services. This means that you'll have to Buy access to websites.

What does this mean for Wattpad?


That's a tough one. If I'm correct, Wattpad is run out of Canada(I checked, it is). I'm not exactly positive, but I'm fairly certain that it'll be fairly difficult or expensive to access the site to read and communicate. If Net Neutrality gets repealed, we'll lose the site.

Okay, so what's up with the vote?

On Thursday, the FCC will vote on whether or not they want to repeal Net Neutrality. A repeal would put this system into effect and unfortunately, three out of five chairmen want to repeal it.


There are a few different things you can do. The first is to text RESIST to 50409. This will connect you to Resistbot, which will give you prompts on what to do next.

Below I'll post some images with more info on Net Neutrality and how you can help.

Below I'll post some images with more info on Net Neutrality and how you can help

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