Thank You!

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I've been gaining followers again(which is honestly kinda scary because I haven't really done anything lately) so I wanted to thank you guys!

You guys are what motivate me to write as often as I (usually) do. If it weren't for the fact that I knew you guys were waiting for the next chapters, I probably would never publish them and I might even delete them forever. Wattpad's really given me a platform to get my art out there and I couldn't have gotten here without you.

For those of you here for stuff other than Northwest-Pines Mystery Hunters and Tsaatr, I'm deeply sorry that everything else is on hiatus or just never gets updates.

For those of you who are here for Northwest-Pines Mystery Hunters or Tsaatr, I'm deeply sorry for how long it's been since I've updated. First I had no time because of my school's musical, now I'm just feeling uninspired. I'll try to get at least a Tsaatr chapter out though.

Again, thank you all so much. You mean the world to me.


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