Watch Me Apply The "Everyone Is Dead" Theory To Everything.

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I thoroughly enjoy this.

Gravity Falls

Okay, so this one's pretty easy. Mabel and Dipper died somehow and Gravity Falls is some sort of purgatory. Bill represents the devil and Blendin represents the driving force bringing the twins to their eventual spot in the afterlife. Mabel and Dipper have to learn some lessons in the in-between of Gravity Falls before they must go on at the end of the "summer". Eventually, the bus taking them "home" takes them to heaven.

Steven Universe

They're literally magic space ladies, I'm sure you can put two and two together with where I'm going. The resident of Beach City are all dead and the Gems are spirits surrounding their ghostly town.

Scooby Doo

Less obvious, the gang died in a mysterious car accident in the Mystery Machine and now go around solving mysteries and trying to solve the mystery behind their deaths.

Soul Eater

I've literally seen the entire series like three times in the past year because of the brother which has lead me to thinking. The residents of Death City are all dead, and students at the DWMA are training to become Grim Reapers for Lord Death. The Kishans and other souls they collect are lost souls they're guiding to the afterlife.


This one actively hurts my soul but yeah. This miserable theory 'o mine states that Shiro and the Holts actually did die during the Kerberos mission and the rest of the team died when exploring the cave that Blue was in. Basically, they all died and that's why they got to meet the absolute babe Allura and Coran Coran The Handsome Man.

The American Education System

We're all dead inside and it's only a matter of time before the stress kills us WAKE ME UP (Wake me up inside) CAN'T WAKE UP (Wake me up inside) SAAAAAAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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